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Creează o Utopie Naturală în Grădina Ta

Bine ați venit într-un univers al formelor și culorilor, unde arborii ornamentali și arbuștii se împletesc armonios cu plantele perene, gramineele și coniferele de grădină pentru a crea un peisaj fermecător. La Gradina Noastra, suntem pasionați de designul peisajelor care vă inspiră să vă conectați cu natura și să vă bucurați de frumusețea exterioară în fiecare zi.

Arbori ornamentali și arbuști ornamentali:

Explorați bogăția diversității vegetale, de la copaci eleganți cu frunze și flori spectaculoase, până la arbuști ornamentali cu texturi și forme unice. Înființați un punct focal încântător sau creați o scenă liniștită cu ajutorul plantelor atent selectate, care vor defini caracterul și stilul grădinii dumneavoastră.

Garduri vii și plante perene:
Încadrați spațiile exterioare și creați un cadru natural cu garduri vii și plante perene care oferă intimitate și continuitate în designul peisajului. Adăugați plante care rezistă în timp și se reînnoiesc în fiecare sezon pentru a vă oferi un peisaj înfloritor și plin de viață în fiecare an.

Conifere de grădină și graminee:
Adăugați structură și eleganță peisajului cu conifere de grădină care oferă umbre plăcute și un fundal verde vibrant. În plus, gramineele aduc un element de mișcare și textură, cu frunze care dansează ușor în vânt și culori care se schimbă de-a lungul anotimpurilor.

Pomi fructiferi pentru o recoltă sănătoasă și savuroasă:
Integrați pomi fructiferi în designul grădinii pentru a vă bucura de flori parfumate în primăvară și de roade dulci și hrănitoare în timpul verii și toamnei. Cu o gamă variată de specii și soiuri, puteți crea un colț gustos în grădină pentru întreaga familie să se bucure.

Indiferent dacă doriți un peisaj natural și rustic sau un design mai formal și structurat, la Gradina Noastra veți găsi plantele perfecte și expertiza necesară pentru a vă transforma grădina într-o oază de frumusețe și armonie. Alegeți calitatea și inspirația și începeți călătoria dumneavoastră către un peisaj de vis!




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English laurel Etna" 1.20 - 1.50 m Prunus laurocerasus "Etna"

English laurel Etna" 1.20 - 1.50 m Prunus laurocerasus "Etna"

Prunus laurocerasus 'Etna' (English bay 'Etna') is an evergreen shrub with an erect, well-branched habit, wide and almost round when mature. The leaves are glossy, dark green, up to 13 cm long and 6.5 cm wide, wavy and slightly serrated on the edges. The young leaves are a lighter green with slight copper tints when the shoots open. The white flowers appear in racemes and are 20 cm long. The fruits are black when ripe and appear after the flowers. The species is considered to be more hardy than Prunus laurocerasus 'Caucasica'. Very suitable for creating hedges, it can be planted as a single specimen or in groups. Maximum height: 2 - 3 m Maximum width: 2 – 2.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* <p> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 483,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 483,00 lei
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English laurel Novita" 3.00 - 4.00 m Prunus laurocerasus" Novita"

English laurel Novita" 3.00 - 4.00 m Prunus laurocerasus" Novita"

Prunus laurocerasus "Novita" (in English "Novita" laurel) is an evergreen shrub recently created in the Netherlands, considered an improved species of Prunus laurocerasus "Caucasica" , because of the longer, firmer, brighter green leaves. The flowers are whiter than Prunus laurocerasus 'Caucasica' . It is also considered to be more resistant to diseases. Growth Requirements: Adapts to various soil types, but prefers moderately dry to moist, fertile, slightly acidic to alkaline soil. It tolerates any position, but needs a lot of light if placed in the shade. Tolerates even heavy cutting and low temperatures. If the aerial part of the plant is damaged by long periods of frost, it will produce vigorous new growth from the base. Maximum height: 4 - 6 m Maximum width: 4 - 6 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.104,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.104,00 lei
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Laurel "Alaska" 0.40 -0.60 m Ilex aquifolium Alaska"

Laurel "Alaska" 0.40 -0.60 m Ilex aquifolium Alaska"

Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska' (Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska') is native to the Netherlands. Evergreen shrub with more regular growth than the Ilex aquifolium type species, compact and almost pyramidal. It lends itself very well to grafting and creation in the form of trees. The leaves are glossy, lanceolate, 3-7 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, with wavy edges with thorns, dark green on the upper side and paler green on the lower side. The flowers are numerous, small, creamy white and appear at the base of each leaf in April. Female plants produce a very large number of fruits each year, in June they begin to turn bright red and remain on the plant until March of the following year. It is resistant, withstands the cold and tolerates mowing. Maximum height: 4 - 8 m Maximum width: 3 - 5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 &lt ; -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 186,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 186,00 lei
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Dogwood Excelsum Superbum" tree 2.50 - 3.00 m Ligustrum japonicum "Excelsum Superbum"

Dogwood Excelsum Superbum" tree 2.50 - 3.00 m Ligustrum japonicum "Excelsum Superbum"

Ligustrum japonicum 'Excelsum Superbum' (Dogwood 'Excelsum Superbum') is native to Japan, Korea, China. Variety of the species Ligustrum japonicum – large shrub or smaller tree, evergreen with erect habitus and wide and round crown, very dense; the leaves are large, up to 10 cm long and 6 cm wide, elliptic, oval, arched in shape, with a fine glossy texture and a dark green color; the flowers are small, creamy white, fragrant, and grouped in long erect pyramidal panicles, appear from late May to August, and are so numerous that they cover the leaves; the fruits are small, round, black and soft when ripe, they remain on the plant for several months; adapts to all types of soil, tolerates salinity, wind and pollution; withstands heavy, repeated cutting and forms very beautiful evergreen hedges. The difference from the type species consists in the color of the leaves, which are lighter in color, at first green with pink edges, later the edges become a special creamy yellow and retain their color until the following spring. Maximum height: 3 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 6 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum resistance temperature).< /p> Growth: fast. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones. Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6 °C / -1.2 °C Zone 10 -1.1 °C / +4.4 °C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 899,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 899,00 lei
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Liatris spicata Kobold

Liatris spicata Kobold

Liatris spicata 'Kobold' Flowering period: June - August. Exposure: Sun.

Regular price 49,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 49,00 lei
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Lilac Beauty of Moscow" 1.20 - 1.50 m Syringa vulgaris "Beauty of Moscow"

Lilac Beauty of Moscow" 1.20 - 1.50 m Syringa vulgaris "Beauty of Moscow"

Syringa vulgaris (Lilac) is a small tree or medium to large shrub with deciduous leaves, with an erect habit. The leaves are generally oval, 5-12 cm, predominantly firm, light green. It is famous for its abundant and fragrant flowering in tight panicles, in the months of April-May, on the branches of the previous year. It tolerates all types of soil, but prefers moist and well-drained ones. Syringa vulgaris ' Beauty of Moscow' (Lilac 'Beauty of Moscow') is a variety with double, very fragrant, white flowers. Before opening, the flowers have a rosy hue. Maximum height: 5 - 6 m Maximum width: 2 - 3 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 245,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 245,00 lei
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Summer lily Royal Red" 0.40 - 0.60 m Buddleja davidii "Royal Red"

Summer lily Royal Red" 0.40 - 0.60 m Buddleja davidii "Royal Red"

Buddleja davidii 'Royal Red' (Summer Lilac 'Royal Red') is a shrub native to Asia, with drooping leaves and numerous branches, initially erect then slightly pendulous due to the weight of the flowers. The leaves are silver-green, lanceolate and up to 25 cm long. The fragrant flowers appear from July to September, clustered at the top of each branch. They attract butterflies a lot. It grows well in all types of soil, even those poor in nutrients and calcareous. Buddleja davidii 'Royal Red' is a variety with deep red flowers. Maximum height: 2.5 - 4 m Maximum width: 2.5 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun. < /p> Plant resistance zones in Europe :< /span> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C*  Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C span> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C < p data-mce-fragment="1"> Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 115,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 115,00 lei
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Lilac Indian Caroline Beauty" tree 1.70 - 2.00 m Lagerstroemia Indica "Caroline Beauty"

Lilac Indian Caroline Beauty" tree 1.70 - 2.00 m Lagerstroemia Indica "Caroline Beauty"

Lagerstroemia indica (Indian lilac) is a small deciduous tree or shrub with bark that peels off to reveal a smooth, red-brown trunk. This is very decorative, especially in winter when the plant is leafless. The leaves are sessile or slightly petiolate, elliptic or oblong, 2-7 cm, dark green in spring-summer and red-purple in autumn (except varieties with white flowers). The flowers are grouped in very dense racemes, 10-20 cm long, which guarantee spectacular flowering throughout the summer. It grows well in all areas of Italy, even in the northern ones, but the most abundant flowering occurs in extremely hot places with high humidity in the air. It needs fertile, light, well-drained soil. It blooms on new shoots, therefore it requires pruning, but it should never be done after mid-February (in the conditions of our country, it is recommended to prune the plants in the autumn-winter months, after the flowers have dried, but not later than March 1-15). The plant requires wrapping with textile material (Agril) during the cold periods of winter, if the temperature drops below -10°C and persists for several days. The planting position must be in a very sunny place and protected from cold winter winds. If the plant is located in the city, it is not necessary to cover it. Lagerstroemia indica 'Caroline Beauty' (Indian lily 'Caroline Beauty') is a recent cultivar that can be grown as a shrub or stem grafted and created as a tree. Inflorescences appear from the beginning of June. The flowers are reddish-pink. Maximum height: 4 - 6 m Maximum width: 4 - 6 m Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: slow, moderate. Location: sun. Plant resistance zones in Europe: p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.169,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.169,00 lei
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Indian Lilac Durant Red" tree 1.70 - 2.00 m Lagerstroemia Indica "Durant Red"

Indian Lilac Durant Red" tree 1.70 - 2.00 m Lagerstroemia Indica "Durant Red"

Lagerstroemia indica (Indian lilac) is a small deciduous tree or shrub with bark that peels off to reveal a smooth, red-brown trunk. This is very decorative, especially in winter when the plant is leafless. The leaves are sessile or slightly petiolate, elliptic or oblong, 2-7 cm, dark green in spring-summer and red-purple in autumn (except varieties with white flowers). The flowers are grouped in very dense racemes, 10-20 cm long, which guarantee spectacular flowering throughout the summer. It grows well in all areas of Italy, even in the northern ones, but the most abundant flowering occurs in extremely hot places with high humidity in the air. It needs fertile, light, well-drained soil. It blooms on new shoots, therefore it requires pruning, but it should never be done after mid-February (in the conditions of our country, it is recommended to prune the plants in the autumn-winter months, after the flowers have dried, but not later than March 1-15). The plant requires wrapping with textile material (Agril) in the cold periods of winter, if the temperature drops below -10°C and persists for several days. The planting position must be in a very sunny place and protected from cold winter winds. If the plant is located in the city, it is not necessary to cover it. Lagerstroemia indica 'Durant Red' is a variety that can be grown as a shrub or stem grafted and created as a tree. The flowers are deep red. Maximum height: 4 - 6 m Maximum width: 4 - 6 m Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: slow, moderate. Location: sun. Plant resistance zones in Europe: p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 439,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 439,00 lei
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Liac Michel Buchner" 1.20 - 1.50 m Syringa vulgaris "Michel Buchner"

Liac Michel Buchner" 1.20 - 1.50 m Syringa vulgaris "Michel Buchner"

Syringa vulgaris (Lilac) is a small tree or medium to large shrub with deciduous leaves, with an erect habit. The leaves are generally oval, 5-12 cm, predominantly firm, light green. It is famous for its abundant and fragrant flowering in tight panicles, in the months of April-May, on the branches of the previous year. It tolerates all types of soil, but prefers moist and well-drained ones. Syringa vulgaris 'Michel Buchner' (Lilac 'Michel Buchner') is a variety with double flowers, fragrant, purple on the outside and white on the inside. Maximum height: 5 - 6 m Maximum width: 2 - 3 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 245,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 245,00 lei
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Magnolia Black Tulip" 2.00 - 2.50 m Magnolia "Black Tulip"

Magnolia Black Tulip" 2.00 - 2.50 m Magnolia "Black Tulip"

Magnolia group with deciduous leaves Magnolias are species originating from the Far East, they bloom very early in the spring, almost always before the leaves appear. Some bloom again in summer, but the second bloom is less spectacular. I love fertile, cool, deep soil that stays moist but is also permeable. They do not like limestone, especially varieties with tulip-shaped flowers. They can be divided into two groups: the first group includes star-flowered or lily-flowered varieties, which have a compact shrub habit, or are small trees, which can be used individually or with other spring-flowering shrubs, from bamboo to Japanese maples. The second group includes varieties with tulip-shaped flowers (x soulangeana and its hybrids), which have a shrubby habit until the 10-15th year and then become arborescent. They can be planted individually or as bushes or shade trees near buildings because their roots do not damage foundations or obstruct drainage. Magnolia 'Black Tulip' stands out through the darkness beautifully. purple flowers up to 15 cm wide, tulip-shaped, which are among the magnolias with the darkest flower color. The plant can be in the form of a shrub or a small tree with an erect habit. It produces profuse flowers that persist on bare branches, a splendid sight to herald the start of spring, and sometimes a second bloom in mid-summer, less profuse but still brilliant, provided there is sufficient moisture. Maximum height: 4 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 8 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: < p>Annual mean minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.226,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.226,00 lei
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Yellow Magnolia Yellow Bird" 1.30 - 1.50 m Magnolia x "Yellow Bird"

Yellow Magnolia Yellow Bird" 1.30 - 1.50 m Magnolia x "Yellow Bird"

Magnolia group with deciduous leaves Magnolias are species originating from the Far East, they bloom very early in the spring, almost always before the leaves appear. Some bloom again in summer, but the second bloom is less spectacular. I love fertile, cool, deep soil that stays moist but is also permeable. They do not like limestone, especially varieties with tulip-shaped flowers. They can be divided into two groups: the first group includes star-flowered or lily-flowered varieties, which have a compact shrub habit, or are small trees, which can be used individually or with other spring-flowering shrubs, from bamboo to Japanese maples. The second group includes varieties with tulip-shaped flowers (x soulangeana and its hybrids), which have a shrubby habit until the 10-15th year and then become arborescent. They can be planted individually or as shrubs or shade trees near buildings because their roots do not damage foundations or obstruct drains. Magnolia x 'Yellow Bird' is a shrub, initially pyramidal in shape, then becoming rounded with age. The leaves are green, oval, 15 cm long and 10 cm wide. Bright yellow buds open into lushly scented, star-shaped, sulfur-yellow flowers at least 10 days after Magnolia x soulangeana blooms. Maximum height: 4 - 6 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 545,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 545,00 lei
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Yellow Magnolia Yellow Bird" 1.50 - 1.75 m Magnolia x "Yellow Bird"

Yellow Magnolia Yellow Bird" 1.50 - 1.75 m Magnolia x "Yellow Bird"

Magnolia group with deciduous leaves Magnolias are species originating from the Far East, they bloom very early in the spring, almost always before the leaves appear. Some bloom again in summer, but the second bloom is less spectacular. I love fertile, cool, deep soil that stays moist but is also permeable. They do not like limestone, especially varieties with tulip-shaped flowers. They can be divided into two groups: the first group includes star-flowered or lily-flowered varieties, which have a compact shrub habit, or are small trees, which can be used individually or with other spring-flowering shrubs, from bamboo to Japanese maples. The second group includes varieties with tulip-shaped flowers (x soulangeana and its hybrids), which have a shrubby habit until the 10-15th year and then become arborescent. They can be planted individually or as shrubs or shade trees near buildings because their roots do not damage foundations or obstruct drains. Magnolia x 'Yellow Bird' is a shrub, initially pyramidal in shape, then becoming rounded with age. The leaves are green, oval, 15 cm long and 10 cm wide. Bright yellow buds open into lushly scented, star-shaped, sulfur-yellow flowers at least 10 days after Magnolia x soulangeana blooms. Maximum height: 4 - 6 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: moderate. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 868,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 868,00 lei
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Sold out

Magnolia Soulangeana" 1.80 - 2.00 m Magnolia "Soulangeana"

Magnolia Soulangeana" 1.80 - 2.00 m Magnolia "Soulangeana"

Magnolia group with deciduous leaves Magnolias are species native to the Far East, they bloom very early in the spring, almost always before the leaves appear. Some bloom again in summer, but the second bloom is less spectacular. I love fertile, cool, deep soil that stays moist but is also permeable. They do not like limestone, especially varieties with tulip-shaped flowers. They can be divided into two groups: the first group includes star-flowered or lily-flowered varieties, which have a compact shrub habit, or are small trees, which can be used individually or with other spring-flowering shrubs, from bamboo to Japanese maples. The second group includes varieties with tulip-shaped flowers (x soulangeana and its hybrids), which have a shrubby habit until the 10-15th year and then become arborescent. They can be planted individually or as bushes or shade trees near buildings, as their roots do not damage foundations or obstruct drains. Magnolia x soulangeana < /span> has a wide port and beautiful shrub form, up to 10-15 years. It then becomes arborescent and is spectacular when in bloom. The leaves are pale green, 10-15 cm long, oval-oblong, pointed, and turn a beautiful yellow color in autumn. It produces abundant flowers before the leaves, tulip-shaped, large at the base, pink-purple, darker at the base and almost white inside. Maximum height: 6 - 8 m Maximum width: 5 - 6 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe:< /p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 818,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 818,00 lei
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Magnolia stellata tree 3.00 - 3.50 m Magnolia stellata

Magnolia stellata tree 3.00 - 3.50 m Magnolia stellata

Magnolia group with deciduous leaves Magnolias are species native to the Far East, they bloom very early in the spring, almost always before the leaves appear. Some bloom again in summer, but the second bloom is less spectacular. I love fertile, cool, deep soil that stays moist but is also permeable. They do not like limestone, especially varieties with tulip-shaped flowers. They can be divided into two groups: the first group includes star-flowered or lily-flowered varieties, which have a compact shrub habit, or are small trees, which can be used individually or with other spring-flowering shrubs, from bamboo to Japanese maples. The second group includes varieties with tulip-shaped flowers (x soulangeana and its hybrids), which have a shrubby habit until the 10-15th year and then become arborescent. They can be planted individually or as bushes or shade trees near buildings because their roots do not damage foundations or obstruct drains. Magnolia stellata is a very well-branched, compact shrub with aromatic bark. The leaves are pale green, from 3-7cm, which turn yellow in autumn. The flowers are slightly fragrant, abundant, star-shaped, pure white with 12-18 petals and appear in March-April, before the leaves. Maximum height: 2 - 5 m Maximum width: 2 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe:< /p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.281,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.281,00 lei
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Sold out

Magnolia Susan" 1.30 - 1.50 m Magnolia "Susan"

Magnolia Susan" 1.30 - 1.50 m Magnolia "Susan"

Magnolia group with deciduous leaves Magnolias are species native to the Far East, they bloom very early in the spring, almost always before the leaves appear. Some bloom again in summer, but the second bloom is less spectacular. I love fertile, cool, deep soil that stays moist but is also permeable. They do not like limestone, especially varieties with tulip-shaped flowers. They can be divided into two groups: the first group includes star-flowered or lily-flowered varieties, which have a compact shrub habit, or are small trees, which can be used individually or with other spring-flowering shrubs, from bamboo to Japanese maples. The second group includes varieties with tulip-shaped flowers (x soulangeana and its hybrids), which have a shrubby habit until the 10-15th year and then become arborescent. They can be planted individually or as bushes or shade trees near buildings, as their roots do not damage foundations or obstruct drains. Magnolia "Susan" (Magnolia "Susan") is a tree Maximum height: 4 - 6 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum resistance temperature). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe:< /p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 354,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 354,00 lei
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Sold out

Magnolia evergreen Goliath" 2.00 - 2.50 m Magnolia grandiflora "Goliath"

Magnolia evergreen Goliath" 2.00 - 2.50 m Magnolia grandiflora "Goliath"

Magnolia grandiflora 'Goliath' (Evergreen Magnolia 'Goliath') is a ground-level branching evergreen with a dense crown that tends to taper if left to grow unpruned or as a dense, uniform form. and impenetrable pyramid if cut every year in late winter. At maturity, it is slightly smaller than Magnolia grandiflora 'Gallisoniensis' , and its leaves differ in their more wavy edges. It begins to produce numerous flowers much earlier already in the third year, identical in appearance to Magnolia grandiflora 'Gallisoniensis' and with the same special scent. In subsequent years, flowering gradually becomes more abundant and lasts continuously from June to December. Maximum height: 12 - 15 m Maximum width: 4 - 8 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe:< /p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.635,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.635,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Magnolia evergreen Goliath" tree 2.50 - 3.50 m Magnolia grandiflora "Goliath"

Magnolia evergreen Goliath" tree 2.50 - 3.50 m Magnolia grandiflora "Goliath"

Magnolia grandiflora 'Goliath' (Evergreen Magnolia 'Goliath') is a ground-level branching evergreen with a dense crown that tends to taper if left to grow unpruned or as a dense, uniform form. and impenetrable pyramid if cut every year in late winter. At maturity, it is slightly smaller than Magnolia grandiflora 'Gallisoniensis' , and its leaves differ in their more wavy edges. It begins to produce numerous flowers much earlier already in the third year, identical in appearance to Magnolia grandiflora 'Gallisoniensis' and with the same special smell. In subsequent years, flowering gradually becomes more abundant and lasts continuously from June to December. Maximum height: 12 - 15 m Maximum width: 4 - 8 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe:< /p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 3.270,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 3.270,00 lei
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Sold out

Magnolia virginiana Glauca" tree 3.00 - 3.50 m Magnolia virginiana "Glauca"

Magnolia virginiana Glauca" tree 3.00 - 3.50 m Magnolia virginiana "Glauca"

Magnolia group with deciduous leaves Magnolias are species native to the Far East, they bloom very early in the spring, almost always before the leaves appear. Some bloom again in summer, but the second bloom is less spectacular. I love fertile, cool, deep soil that stays moist but is also permeable. They do not like limestone, especially varieties with tulip-shaped flowers. They can be divided into two groups: the first group includes star-flowered or lily-flowered varieties, which have a compact shrub habit, or are small trees, which can be used individually or with other spring-flowering shrubs, from bamboo to Japanese maples. The second group includes varieties with tulip-shaped flowers (x soulangeana and its hybrids), which have a shrubby habit until the 10-15th year and then become arborescent. They can be planted individually or as bushes or shade trees near buildings, as their roots do not damage foundations or obstruct drains. Magnolia virginiana 'Glauca' is a semi-evergreen shrub. or medium-sized tree with large oval-elliptical leaves, glossy green above, and the underside with a velvety appearance. It blooms from June to October producing 4-6 cm wide, highly fragrant, semi-double, creamy white flowers. It prefers fertile and non-calcareous soils. Maximum height: 9 m Maximum width: 6 m Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). p> p> Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe:< /p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 2.938,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 2.938,00 lei
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Sold out

Mar Florina" 1.80 - 2.30 m Malus domestica "Florina"

Mar Florina" 1.80 - 2.30 m Malus domestica "Florina"

Malus domestica (Apple) is a fruit tree that can be grown for its fruit, with very good results, in any normal type of fertile soil, be it siliceous-clay or siliceous-calcareous. Planting in very dry or excessively calcareous soils is not recommended. The best exposure is in full sun. Pollination: Even the most fertile varieties benefit from the presence of other varieties to improve their production. As the best pollinator for any variety, the "Everest" variety is considered. Malus domestica "Florina" ("Florina" apple) - medium-large round fruits, with red-yellow and cream-yellow flesh, firm and sweet. The case is very resistant. The fruits ripen from the end of September. Maximum height: 4 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 8 m < p >Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 327,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 327,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Mar Gala" 1.80 - 2.30 m Malus domestica "Gala"

Mar Gala" 1.80 - 2.30 m Malus domestica "Gala"

Malus domestica (Apple) is a fruit tree that can be grown for its fruit, with very good results, in any normal type of fertile soil, be it siliceous-clay or siliceous-calcareous. Planting in very dry or excessively calcareous soils is not recommended. The best exposure is in full sun. Pollination: Even the most fertile varieties benefit from the presence of other varieties to improve their production. As the best pollinator for any variety, the "Everest" variety is considered. Malus domestica 'Gala' (Apple 'Gala') - medium fruits with red stripes. Firm, sweet flesh. The fruits begin to ripen in August-September. Maximum height: 4 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 8 m < p>Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. p> p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 &lt ; -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 327,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 327,00 lei
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"Golden Delicious" apple 1.80 - 2.30 m Malus domestica "Golden Delicious"

"Golden Delicious" apple 1.80 - 2.30 m Malus domestica "Golden Delicious"

Malus domestica (Apple) is a fruit tree that can be grown for its fruit, with very good results, in any normal type of fertile soil, be it siliceous-clay or siliceous-calcareous. Planting in very dry or excessively calcareous soils is not recommended. The best exposure is in full sun. Pollination: Even the most fertile varieties benefit from the presence of other varieties to improve their production. As the best pollinator for any variety, the "Everest" variety is considered. Malus domestica 'Golden Delicious' (Apples 'Golden Delicious') - large, slightly conical, golden-yellow fruits. Juicy and very fragrant pulp. The fruits begin to ripen in October-February. Maximum height: 4 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 8 m < p>Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. p> p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 &lt ; -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 327,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 327,00 lei
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Silver birch 3.00 - 4.00 m Betula pendula

Silver birch 3.00 - 4.00 m Betula pendula

Betula pendula (Silver Birch) is a deciduous tree native to Europe and Asia Minor. The trunk is usually vertical to the top, surrounded by light branches that fall gracefully at the tips. Gray-brown bark in the first 2-3 years that turns chalky white and peels off in very thin stripes. The leaves are oval, pointed, 3-6 cm long, pale green, beautiful yellow in autumn. The flowers appear in March-April in the form of suspended yellow-brown catkins. The tree is very resistant, adapts to all types of soil and tolerates extreme conditions of drought and humidity. Maximum height: 18 - 20 m Maximum width: 6 - 8 m Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 681,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 681,00 lei
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Flowing birch 'Youngii' 2.00 - 3.00 m Betula pendula 'Youngii'

Flowing birch 'Youngii' 2.00 - 3.00 m Betula pendula 'Youngii'

Betula pendula 'Youngii' (Leaning Birch) is a tree native to Great Britain. Cultivar of the Betula pendula type species, reproduced by grafting, its general shape depending on the point where the grafting is done. If grafting is done at the base, the trunk will grow up to 6-7m with weeping branches along its entire length. When the top of the tree no longer has the main branch, it bends and descends to the ground. If the grafting is done at the top, a rather irregular crown is formed with branches that overlap each other in an arc with the tips bent towards the ground, often touching it. Like the type species, it is a deciduous tree whose bark is gray-brown (in the first 2-3 years) and then becomes white and yellowish. The leaves are pointed, oval, pale green that turn yellow in autumn. It flowers in March-April, producing pendulous, yellow-brown catkins. The tree is very resistant, adapts to all types of soil and tolerates extreme drought as well as wet conditions. Maximum height: 5 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 6 m Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe:< /p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 576,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 576,00 lei
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Sold out

Globular silver spruce 0.40 m - 0.60 m Picea pungens Glauca Globosa"

Globular silver spruce 0.40 m - 0.60 m Picea pungens Glauca Globosa"

Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' (Globular Silver Spruce) is one of the most sought after and popular dwarf conifers. Rather with a sparser and slightly uneven crown in the early years, then it becomes dense and spherical and slightly conical in maturity. With age it stretches and flattens, but remains compact. The needles are a gorgeous silvery blue all year round. Hardy and adapts to all types of soil, although it prefers fresh and loose soil. It tolerates heat, drought and even urban air better than other Picea s. The plant is ideal for small gardens and rockeries, planted as a stand-alone specimen or with other dwarf conifers of different colors. When grafted, it creates a wonderful effect near houses, in the middle of small plant arrangements or as a tall feature among lower flowering plants. Maximum height: 1.5 - 2.5 m< /p> Maximum width: 2 - 3 m Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Slow. p> Location: sunny. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C*< /p>< p>Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 436,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 436,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Globular silver spruce 0.80 - 1.20 m Picea pungens Glauca Globosa""

Globular silver spruce 0.80 - 1.20 m Picea pungens Glauca Globosa""

Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' (Globular Silver Spruce) is one of the most sought after and popular dwarf conifers. Rather with a sparser and slightly uneven crown in the early years, then it becomes dense and spherical and slightly conical in maturity. With age it stretches and flattens, but remains compact. The needles are a gorgeous silvery blue all year round. Hardy and adapts to all types of soil, although it prefers fresh and loose soil. Tolerates heat, drought and even urban air better than others The spade . The plant is ideal for small gardens and rockeries, planted as a stand-alone specimen or with other dwarf conifers of different colors. When grafted, it creates a wonderful effect near houses, in the middle of small plant arrangements or as a tall feature among lower flowering plants. Maximum height: 1.5 - 2.5 m< /p> Maximum width: 2 - 3 m Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Slow. p> Location: sunny. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C*< /p>< p>Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 613,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 613,00 lei
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Muhlenbergia capillaris 0.60 - 1.00 m Muhlenbergia capillaris

Muhlenbergia capillaris 0.60 - 1.00 m Muhlenbergia capillaris

Muhlenbergia capillaris is an attractive ornamental grass that reaches a maximum height of 1.00 m. The habit of the plant is erect, with bluish-green leaves with a round and bright shape. The inflorescences are spectacular, pink-red in color, which open in late summer forming clouds. Seen from a distance, it looks like cotton wool on a stick. A spectacular plant when planted in groups. Extremely drought tolerant. The plant and the inflorescences persist very well in winter, bringing increased interest in this season as well. Maximum height: 0.90-1.00 m Maximum width 0.90-1.00 m p>< p>Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. p> p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 61,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 61,00 lei
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Rhus typhina "Dissecta" 1.00 - 1.50 m Rhus typhina "Dissecta"

Rhus typhina "Dissecta" 1.00 - 1.50 m Rhus typhina "Dissecta"

Rhus typhina "Dissecta" (Rhus typhina "Dissecta") is a variety of the type species Rhus typhina , with the same features, except for the deeply laciniate leaves, similar to the leaves of a fern, which turn a very attractive color in autumn, from shades of yellow. towards orange and deep red. It is a small tree with a very picturesque habitus, with branches that initially spread and then hang down to the ground. It adapts to all types of soil and tolerates pollution very well. Maximum height: 4 - 7 m Maximum width: 4 - 7 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Rapid.< /p> Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 - 40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p> This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 389,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 389,00 lei
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Paul's Scarlet hawthorn" 3.50 - 4.50 m Crataegus laevigata "Paul's Scarlet"

Paul's Scarlet hawthorn" 3.50 - 4.50 m Crataegus laevigata "Paul's Scarlet"

Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlatia' (Paul's Scarlatia) is a small tree or large shrub native to Great Britain, with a conical crown that later becomes rounded-conical, with spreading, sometimes pendulous lateral branches. It does not have very spiny branches like the type species. Leafy leaves, bright green, oval with 3-5 lobes. Bright purple flowers in long, dense inflorescences in April-May. Fruits: small, red, but rare and sporadic. It grows well in all types of soil, even calcareous ones. Suitable for individual planting in gardens or urban spaces, because it resists pollution. Maximum height: 5 - 6 m Maximum width: 3 - 6 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: moderate. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 538,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 538,00 lei
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Silver maple 4.00 - 4.50 m Acer saccharinum Pyramidale"

Silver maple 4.00 - 4.50 m Acer saccharinum Pyramidale"

Acer saccharinum (silver maple) is native to the USA. Size II tree, wide pyramidal crown, with slightly flowing secondary branches. The leaves are lobed, with a pale green upper part and a silver-green lower part. In autumn, the leaves turn bright yellow or red, both colors appearing simultaneously and providing a striking contrast of shadows. The pale yellow or red inflorescence appears before the leaves and is then followed by the 4-5 cm samara-type fruits. Multi-stemmed trees are very popular. Vegetation occurs in early spring, tolerates both well-drained and more clayey soils. Resistant to pollution and cutting. The branches are sensitive and can break in strong winds. Acer saccharinum 'Pyramidale' (Pyramid silver palin) is a variety native to Germany, compared to the type species it has a pyramidal crown, with erect branches, which makes it much more suitable for street alignment and urban spaces. The other characteristics remain the same as in the type species. Maximum height: 15 - 20 m Maximum width: 10-12 m< /p> Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 589,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 589,00 lei
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Maple tree Cleveland" 3.00 m Acer platanoides "Cleveland"

Maple tree Cleveland" 3.00 m Acer platanoides "Cleveland"

Acer platanoides 'Cleveland' (field maple 'Cleveland') is native to the USA. Tree with regular habitus and oval shape. The leaves are up to 15 cm long and up to 10 cm wide, usually 5-lobed, dark green. The color of autumn is special, starting from yellow and reaching red. The species has a much more abundant inflorescence than the type species. The flowers appear before the leaves, in April, they are grouped and have a yellow-green color. It grows well in all types of soil except marshy and peaty. This type of tree is ideal for lining streets. It tolerates urban pollution very well. Maximum height: 15 m Maximum width: 6 m Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 359,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 359,00 lei
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"Princeton Gold" 3.00 - 3.50 m Acer platanoides "Princeton Gold"

"Princeton Gold" 3.00 - 3.50 m Acer platanoides "Princeton Gold"

Acer platanoides 'Princeton Gold' (Maple 'Princeton Gold') is a new cultivar from J.Frank Schmidt & Son Co. Nurseries. from the United States of America. It is the only variety of Acer platanoides with strong yellow leaves in spring. Compared to Acer platanoides, it is about a third smaller and has a much more oval crown. Otherwise, it has the same characteristics as - distinct flowering in the spring, spectacular color of the leaves in the fall, very high resistance to air pollution. Maximum height: 12 - 14 m Maximum width: 10 - 15 m Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. p>Location: sun. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 818,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 818,00 lei
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Mountain maple 3.00 m Acer pseudoplatanus

Mountain maple 3.00 m Acer pseudoplatanus

Acer pseudopatanus (Mountain Maple) is a deciduous tree native to Central Europe, the Pyrenees and the Caucasus. It forms a very wide crown with branches longer than the trunk, spread out in a very attractive way if there is room. The leaves are five-lobed, 8-16 cm wide, dark green on the upper side and covered with gray bristles on the lower side, which turn a beautiful yellow color in autumn. The flowers appear suddenly in May in attractive, greenish-yellow clusters. The tree is extremely resistant to cold, wind, heat and urban pollution. It grows in all types of soil, including calcareous ones. Its very deep roots also make it suitable for strengthening slopes. Maximum height: 25 - 35 m Maximum width: 15 - 20 m Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. < p>Resistance zones for plants in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 420,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 420,00 lei
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Physocarpus Diabolo" 1.00 - 1.20 m Physocarpus opulifolius "Diabolo"

Physocarpus Diabolo" 1.00 - 1.20 m Physocarpus opulifolius "Diabolo"

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo' (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo') is a deciduous shrub native to North America with a compact habit and trilobed leaves. Foliage is dark red in spring, green in summer and orange in fall. The flowers are dark red when the buds appear, white when they open, grouped in clusters that appear in June-July, on the branches of the previous year. It grows well in any type of soil, tolerates even calcareous soil. Maximum height: 2 - 2.50 m Maximum width: 1 - 1.80 m< /p> Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 145,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 145,00 lei
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Peach "Dixired" 1.80 - 2.30 m Prunus persica "Dixired"

Peach "Dixired" 1.80 - 2.30 m Prunus persica "Dixired"

Prunus persica (Pear) is a fruit tree that has been cultivated since 4000 years ago in China. From Persia, peaches reached the Mediterranean basin, from there the Romans took them beyond the Alps. The most favorable environment for them is the plain or hill, with a fairly mild climate, sheltered from the prevailing winds and not in areas with spring frosts, which can affect early flowering. Peaches are the first fruit trees to come into fruition after winter. In late March or early April, the flower buds open, giving rise to delicate flowers (with shades of pink in the European species, and brick in the American ones) that make it an admirable tree from an ornamental point of view. view. From the point of view of the terrain, the peach adapts very well: it prefers medium-density, loose soils, but it also grows in those that tend towards clay and accepts even slightly calcareous ones. Its biggest enemy is water-retaining soil. Prunus persica "Dixired" (Peach "Dixired") - large, light red fruits. Firm, tasty, fragrant meat. The fruits ripen at the beginning of July. Maximum height: 4 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 8 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones. according to this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 327,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 327,00 lei
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