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Creează o Utopie Naturală în Grădina Ta

Bine ați venit într-un univers al formelor și culorilor, unde arborii ornamentali și arbuștii se împletesc armonios cu plantele perene, gramineele și coniferele de grădină pentru a crea un peisaj fermecător. La Gradina Noastra, suntem pasionați de designul peisajelor care vă inspiră să vă conectați cu natura și să vă bucurați de frumusețea exterioară în fiecare zi.

Arbori ornamentali și arbuști ornamentali:

Explorați bogăția diversității vegetale, de la copaci eleganți cu frunze și flori spectaculoase, până la arbuști ornamentali cu texturi și forme unice. Înființați un punct focal încântător sau creați o scenă liniștită cu ajutorul plantelor atent selectate, care vor defini caracterul și stilul grădinii dumneavoastră.

Garduri vii și plante perene:
Încadrați spațiile exterioare și creați un cadru natural cu garduri vii și plante perene care oferă intimitate și continuitate în designul peisajului. Adăugați plante care rezistă în timp și se reînnoiesc în fiecare sezon pentru a vă oferi un peisaj înfloritor și plin de viață în fiecare an.

Conifere de grădină și graminee:
Adăugați structură și eleganță peisajului cu conifere de grădină care oferă umbre plăcute și un fundal verde vibrant. În plus, gramineele aduc un element de mișcare și textură, cu frunze care dansează ușor în vânt și culori care se schimbă de-a lungul anotimpurilor.

Pomi fructiferi pentru o recoltă sănătoasă și savuroasă:
Integrați pomi fructiferi în designul grădinii pentru a vă bucura de flori parfumate în primăvară și de roade dulci și hrănitoare în timpul verii și toamnei. Cu o gamă variată de specii și soiuri, puteți crea un colț gustos în grădină pentru întreaga familie să se bucure.

Indiferent dacă doriți un peisaj natural și rustic sau un design mai formal și structurat, la Gradina Noastra veți găsi plantele perfecte și expertiza necesară pentru a vă transforma grădina într-o oază de frumusețe și armonie. Alegeți calitatea și inspirația și începeți călătoria dumneavoastră către un peisaj de vis!




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Flower color



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Colorful autumn












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Red maple "Somerset" 2.00 - 2.50 m Acer rubrum "Somerset"

Red maple "Somerset" 2.00 - 2.50 m Acer rubrum "Somerset"

Acer rubrum 'Somerset' (Red Maple 'Somerset') is a variety resulting from the crossing of Acer rubrum 'October Glory' and Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame'. Deciduous tree with a regular habit and a spherical crown. The leaves are palmate with 3 or 5 lobes, light green on the upper side and blue-green on the lower side. Autumn color is one of the most important ornamental characteristics of this species by presenting an early show of very intense and long-lasting shades of red. It is an excellent tree for creating shaded areas, unpretentious in terms of soil, but it prefers moist and acidic soil. Maximum height: 10 - 15 m < p>Maximum width: 5 - 8 m Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun, semi-shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* p> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 515,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 515,00 lei
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Red Maple Crimson King" 2.50 - 3.00 m Acer platanoides "Crimson King"

Red Maple Crimson King" 2.50 - 3.00 m Acer platanoides "Crimson King"

Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' is a deciduous tree native to the Netherlands with a wide columnar or round crown or as a large upright shrub if grafted at the base. Popular for large leaves up to 15 cm wide with 5 lobes, deep purple that remains deep even in summer. It blooms in spring when the leaves begin to form, grouped in upright corymbs, unusual and very attractive due to the contrast between the yellow petals and stamens with the bright red stigma and sepals. Like A. platanoides. It grows in all types of soil except peaty or swampy conditions. Tolerates urban pollution. Maximum height: 20 - 30 m Maximum width: 15 - 20 m Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance).< /p> Growth: moderate, fast. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 - 40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p> This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 818,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 818,00 lei
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"Royal Red" 2.50 - 3.50 m Acer platanoides "Royal Red"

"Royal Red" 2.50 - 3.50 m Acer platanoides "Royal Red"

Acer platanoides 'Royal Red ' (Paltin de field 'Royal Red') is a deciduous tree native to the United States of America with a wide conical or rounded crown. The 5-lobed leaves are initially bright red, turning glossy crimson red in fall. The flowers are in erect corymbs, the red calyx making a fine contrast to the yellow petals. The fruits appear in October, they are brown samara type with open wings. The most vigorous of the red-leaved A. platanoides, ornamental even for small gardens or paths. Maximum height: 15 - 20 m Maximum width: 6 - 10 m Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 788,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 788,00 lei
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Athyrium filix-female Rotstiel

Athyrium filix-female Rotstiel

Athyrium filix-femina 'Rotstiel' Exposure: partial shade, shade.

Regular price 54,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 54,00 lei
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Athyrium niponicum Burgundy Lace

Athyrium niponicum Burgundy Lace

Athyrium niponicum 'Burgundy Lace' Exposure: partial shade, shade.

Regular price 54,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 54,00 lei
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"Magical holy bamboo" 0.40 - 0.60 m Nandina domestica "Magical"

"Magical holy bamboo" 0.40 - 0.60 m Nandina domestica "Magical"

Nandina domestica (Holy Bamboo) is an evergreen shrub native to Asia. It has straight bamboo-like stems. The leaves are pinnate, compound and initially pale pink, turning green in summer and turning reddish-purple in autumn-winter. The inflorescences are grouped in large white-pink panicles, appear in summer and are followed by clusters of bright red fruits that remain on the plant from winter to spring. They grow best when planted in moist but well-drained soil. Nandina domestica "Magical" (Holy Bamboo "Magical") - is a bamboo species with an absolutely unique color: the new growth is a very strong yellow-green or lime-green, they remain unchanged on the outer sides of the mature leaves if they are positioned in full sun and makes a great contrast with the pale green of the leaves inside. It has a limited growth (maximum 1-1.20 m height and width) with a very compact habit, perfectly round. Maximum height: 0.70 - 0.80 m < p >Maximum width: 0.70 – 0.80 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, semi-shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* <p> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 213,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 213,00 lei
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Evergreen bamboo 1.50 -2.00 m Bambusa metake

Evergreen bamboo 1.50 -2.00 m Bambusa metake

Bambusa metake (evergreen bamboo) is a species native to China, Japan and Korea. It forms a compact bush with fairly thin stems (2-3 cm diameter) that grow straight up and close to each other. At first the stems are light green in color, then they turn brown and persist for a long time. The evergreen leaves, 10-30 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, are shiny, deep green on the upper side, glaucous on the lower side. Tolerates relative drought, grows well in pots and indoors. Maximum height 5-6 m. Resistant to -24°C. Maximum height: 5 - 6 m Maximum width: 2 - 3 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Fast.< /span> Location: sun, partial shade. Resistance zones for European plants: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C*  Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive in places where these minimum temperatures can). This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 273,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 273,00 lei
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Boteloua gracilis

Boteloua gracilis

Boteloua gracilis Flowering period: June - August. Exposure: Sun.

Regular price 29,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 29,00 lei
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White fir 1.70 - 2.00 m Abies concolor

White fir 1.70 - 2.00 m Abies concolor

Abies concolor (White Fir) is a conifer native to the western regions of North America. It has a conical shape, wide when the plant is young and narrow when it reaches maturity. It never leaves its lower branches at ground level. The needles are long, silver-green on both sides. Male flowers are yellow with a pink tinge, female flowers are yellow. The cones are gorgeous and have a bluish-purple and purple color. It tolerates dry and nutrient-poor soils very well. Withstands extreme temperature ranges. It can be placed both in sunny and shady areas. Maximum height: 20-25 m Maximum width: 7-10 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. p> p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.602,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.602,00 lei
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Algerian Fir 1.00 - 1.30 m Abies numidica

Algerian Fir 1.00 - 1.30 m Abies numidica

Abies Numidica (Algerian Fir) is a species of fir native to the Algerian Mountains, living on the southern side of the calcareous terrain. It tolerates all types of soil, but not excess water. The buds are pink, after opening they turn into intense green needles with two silver stripes on the back. It has an intense fragrance of conifers. Very slow growth. At maturity it reaches heights of 12-15 m and widths of 4-6 m. It has a pyramidal shape and prefers sunny or semi-shaded places. Maximum height: 12-15 m Maximum height: 12-15 m p> Maximum width: 4-6 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum temperature resistance).< /p> Growth: Slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: p>Minimum annual mean temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 771,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 771,00 lei
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Golden Buxus 0.30- 0.40 m Buxus sempervirens "Elegans"

Golden Buxus 0.30- 0.40 m Buxus sempervirens "Elegans"

Buxus sempervirens 'Elegans' is native to Europe. Medium-sized, evergreen shrub with very dense branches starting at the base, with more pointed vertical growth in the first years, then with development and width. The leaves are light green with cream-white edges. The growth is smaller than the species Buxus sempervirens. It blooms in March-April, the yellow-green flowers, the greenish-blue fruits are in the form of capsules inside which the seeds are located. It develops very well in all types of soil, even in calcareous ones as long as the soil is. fertile and very well drained. Tolerates full sun if not in combination with dry soil. It tolerates any type of pruning very well and is the shrub most often used for hedges, mazes and evergreen forms. Along with Taxus baccata it is one of the most used plants for Italian formal gardens. Maximum height: 3-4 m Maximum width: 2-3 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate.< /p> Location: sun, semi-shade, shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 &lt ; -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 343,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 343,00 lei
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Peche de Nancy" 1.80 - 2.30 m Prunus armeniaca "Peche de Nancy"

Peche de Nancy" 1.80 - 2.30 m Prunus armeniaca "Peche de Nancy"

Prunus persica (Pear) is a fruit tree that has been cultivated since 4000 years ago in China. From Persia, peaches reached the Mediterranean basin, from there the Romans took them beyond the Alps. The most favorable environment for them is the plain or hill, with a fairly mild climate, sheltered from the prevailing winds and not in areas with spring frosts, which can affect early flowering. Peaches are the first fruit trees to come into fruition after winter. In late March or early April, the flower buds open, giving rise to delicate flowers (with shades of pink in the European species, and brick in the American ones) that make it an admirable tree from an ornamental point of view. view. From the point of view of the terrain, the peach adapts very well: it prefers medium-density, loose soils, but it also grows in those that tend towards clay and accepts even slightly calcareous ones. Its biggest enemy is water-retaining soil. Prunus persica "Fayette" (Peach "Fayette") - large, spherical fruits with a yellowish-red color. Very firm flesh, excellent taste. The fruits ripen at the end of August (August 20-25). Maximum height: 4 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 8 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 327,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 327,00 lei
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Columnar hornbeam 2.50 - 3.00 m Carpinus betulus Fastigiata"

Columnar hornbeam 2.50 - 3.00 m Carpinus betulus Fastigiata"

Carpinus betulus "Fastigiata" (Carpen columnar) is the pyramidal form of the type species Carpinus betulus . Growth is natural, with ascending branches starting from the base and forming a pyramidal outline without gaps. As the plant matures, it spreads from the base. The trunk can be cleared by turning the plant into a tree with a pyramidal crown at first and then oval-round. In this form, it can be used for not very wide alignments. The leaves are 4-10 cm and are ovate, toothed, pale green, in autumn they turn bright yellow, turning the plant into a spectacular one. The plant can keep its leaves dry over the winter. It grows in all normally fertile, permeable, fresh, even calcareous soils. It tolerates all forms of pruning like Carpinus betulus and is widely used to create the most unusual forms. Maximum height: 15 - 20 m Maximum width: 4 - 5 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe:< /p> p> Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.068,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.068,00 lei
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Catalpa 3.00 - 3.50 m Catalpa bignonioides

Catalpa 3.00 - 3.50 m Catalpa bignonioides

Catalpa bignoniodes (Catalpa) is a tree native to North America. It is characterized by very large leaves, beautiful flowers and long pod-like fruits that remain on the branches until the next year's flowering begins. The trunk is short and the crown is oval, but not very compact. The leaves are oval or heart-shaped, pale green, with a length and width of 25 cm. The flowers appear in June-July, vertically bell-shaped, white with yellow and purple inside. It adapts to all types of soil, but grows best in cool, fertile soils. In very cold periods, young plants can be affected by frost. Maximum height: 10 - 15 m Maximum width: 10 m < p>Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: very fast. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 420,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 420,00 lei
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Ornamental buckthorn "Navaho" 1.50 -1.70 m Pyracantha coccinea "Navaho"

Ornamental buckthorn "Navaho" 1.50 -1.70 m Pyracantha coccinea "Navaho"

Pyracantha (Piracanta) is an evergreen shrub with an erect habit, spiny branches, ideal for use in groups or to form a hedge, being an attractive plant in all seasons. If left to grow naturally and without pruning it does very well, it will develop into a huge, very picturesque shrub with an undefined shape. When planted next to a wall (which it will completely cover), it will grow very tall. The leaves are small, narrow, unlobed, bright green. Spring produces countless small, white, fragrant flowers that cover the entire plant. The flowers then turn into green, small, round fruits and begin to color in late summer, remaining on the plant through winter until the following spring. It prefers soils not very rich in nutrients and adapts well to calcareous ones. -8"> Navaho ") – reddish orange fruits with the most compact habit of all species. Maximum height: 1.8 - 2.2 m Maximum width: 2 - 3 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). < p> p>Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 514,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 514,00 lei
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Cedar "Golden Horizon" 2.50 - 3.50 m Cedrus deodara "Golden Horizon"

Cedar "Golden Horizon" 2.50 - 3.50 m Cedrus deodara "Golden Horizon"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus deodara 'Golden Horizon' (Himalayan Golden Horizon Cedar) is a conifer. originally from the Netherlands. If allowed to grow spontaneously, the branches will spread horizontally, pendulous at the ends. On the other hand, if the plant is driven with support, it will have a conical shape. The needles are 2-4 cm long, bright yellow, fine and soft. Like Cedrus deodara, it prefers moderately acidic soils, but will grow in any normally fertile soil. It does not tolerate water stagnation and prolonged frost periods. Maximum height: 4-5 m Maximum width: 2-4 m p>Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. p> p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.472,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.472,00 lei
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Flowing silver cedar 2.50 - 3.00 m Cedrus atlantica Glauca Pendula"

Flowing silver cedar 2.50 - 3.00 m Cedrus atlantica Glauca Pendula"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' (Pendulous Blue Cedar) is a native conifer. in France with a very picturesque aspect with bent weeping branches. Two forms are available: • grafted at the base with weeping branches along the entire length of the vertical trunk which, when it reaches a certain height, bends towards the ground; • top grafted on a Cedrus atlantica trunk at a height varying from 1m to 2-2.50m. In this case, it will form a crown with the main branches spreading and overlapping, while the secondary branches descend towards the ground. Sometimes a single main branch is left to grow and if properly trained can spread to 10m or more. In any case, the final form is attractive and never seems artificial, but appears to be a spontaneous quirk of nature. The needles are very dense, bright gray-blue, evergreen, 2-2.5 cm long. The cones are numerous, decorative, long, erect, at first yellow and then brown. It adapts to any type of soil with ​​​​, except very wet ones. Tolerates summer heat, dry weather and air pollution. It is best used in large spaces, individually or in groups. Maximum height: 4-8 m Maximum width: 10-15 m< / p> Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 6.676,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 6.676,00 lei
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Silver-blue cedar 1.70 - 2.00 m Cedrus atlantica Glauca"

Silver-blue cedar 1.70 - 2.00 m Cedrus atlantica Glauca"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus atalntica 'Glauca' (Blue Cedar) is native to North Africa. Majestic conifer with a wide, pyramidal crown. The main branches are ascending at first and then flatten with age and bend upwards at the ends creating an effect of imposing grandeur. Vivid blue-gray evergreen needles, 2-2.50 cm long. Numerous ornamental cones, 6-10 cm long, initially yellow and then brown when mature. It adapts to all types of soil, except for too wet soil. Tolerates summer heat, dry weather and pollution. After the moment of transplantation, it must be well anchored, because the roots are not yet stable. Very attractive as a specimen in very large gardens, parks, squares, next to important buildings. Maximum height: 20-25 m Maximum width: 10 - 15 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 514,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 514,00 lei
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Himalayan cedar Aurea" 1.75 - 2.00 m Cedrus deodara "Aurea"

Himalayan cedar Aurea" 1.75 - 2.00 m Cedrus deodara "Aurea"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus deodara 'Aurea' (Himalayan Golden Cedar) is a conifer native to Great Britain. Variety of Cedrus deodara, from which it keeps its flexible and irregular shape, slightly wavy, delicate thanks to the golden needles that enhance its elegance. The needles are the same size as the type species, strong yellow and towards the tips of the branches and on the parts that have a southern orientation bright yellow; in summer the color becomes paler, but still retains a certain glow. It has the same growing preferences as Cedrus deodara. During very cold winters, frost may cause some needles to be lost, but when the plant resumes growth, they will reappear. Maximum height: 8 - 12 m Maximum width: 5 - 7 m Zone 8 12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. < p>Location: sun. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* < /p> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 481,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 481,00 lei
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Himalayan cedar Feelin Blue " 1.70 - 2.00 m Cedrus deodara "Feelin Blue"

Himalayan cedar Feelin Blue " 1.70 - 2.00 m Cedrus deodara "Feelin Blue"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus deodara Feelin Blue (Himalayan Cedar Feelin Blue) originates from the Netherlands and is a recently obtained conifer that grows vertically if supported on a support with pendulous branches at the ends. If it is allowed to grow freely, it spreads over the ground, being a ground cover. The needles are silvery blue, 3-4 cm long and arranged in a rosette. Like the type species, it prefers moderately acidic soils, but will grow in any normally fertile soil. It does not tolerate excessive humidity or prolonged periods of frost. Maximum height: 3-3.5 m Maximum width: 2-2.20 m < p>Zone 7 -12.2°C / -6.7°C-17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sunny. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 591,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 591,00 lei
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Himalayan cedar Feelin Blue" 1.50 - 1.80 m Cedrus deodora "Feelin Blue"

Himalayan cedar Feelin Blue" 1.50 - 1.80 m Cedrus deodora "Feelin Blue"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus deodara Feelin Blue (Himalayan Cedar Feelin Blue) originates from the Netherlands and is a recently obtained conifer that grows vertically if supported on a support with pendulous branches at the ends. If it is allowed to grow freely, it spreads over the ground, being a ground cover. The needles are silvery blue, 3-4 cm long and arranged in a rosette. Like the type species, it prefers moderately acidic soils, but will grow in any normally fertile soil. It does not tolerate excessive humidity or prolonged periods of frost. Maximum height: 3-3.5 m Maximum width: 2-2.20 m < p>Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 736,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 736,00 lei
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Himalayan cedar Feelin Blue" 2.50 - 3.00 m Cedrus deodora "Feelin Blue"

Himalayan cedar Feelin Blue" 2.50 - 3.00 m Cedrus deodora "Feelin Blue"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus deodara Feelin Blue (Himalayan Cedar Feelin Blue) originates from the Netherlands and is a recently obtained conifer that grows vertically if supported on a support with pendulous branches at the ends. If it is allowed to grow freely, it spreads over the ground, being a ground cover. The needles are silvery blue, 3-4 cm long and arranged in a rosette. Like the type species, it prefers moderately acidic soils, but will grow in any normally fertile soil. It does not tolerate excessive humidity or prolonged periods of frost. Maximum height: 3-3.5 m Maximum width: 2-2.20 m < p>Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 5.518,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 5.518,00 lei
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Sold out

Pendulum Himalayan cedar 2.20 - 2.50 m Cedrus deodara Pendula"

Pendulum Himalayan cedar 2.20 - 2.50 m Cedrus deodara Pendula"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. natural hybrid created in Germany from Cedrus deodara and Cedrus deodara "Robusta" . The indicated dimensions are approximate due to its polymorphism, its width depends on the growth of the pendulous apical section. Leaving aside the various techniques used to "contour" the conifer, usually the curvature tends to approach the vertical trunk, even becoming an "all-in-one", but often the plant tends to flatten out before bending at the top. The main and secondary branches are pendulous and cover the entire length of the trunk. Sometimes they grow at ground level and form a type of cushion. This variety of Cedrus deodara has the same color (dark grey-green needles) and growth requirements (prefers moderately acidic soils, but will adapt to any normal fertile soil and does not tolerate standing water) as Cedrus deodara 'Pendula'. Maximum height: 6-8 m Maximum width: 2.5-6 m p >Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.962,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.962,00 lei
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Sold out

Cedar of Lebanon 1.50 - 1.75 m Cedrus lebani

Cedar of Lebanon 1.50 - 1.75 m Cedrus lebani

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus libani 'Sargentii' (Sargentii Cedar of Lebanon) is a natural dwarf. conifers or pendulous if grafted on different stem heights. Newly formed branches are covered with long dark green needles. It adapts to any type of soil provided it is well drained. Maximum height: 0.80-1.80 m Maximum width: 1.80 m Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 &lt ; -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 384,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 384,00 lei
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Sold out

Cedar of Lebanon Sargentii" 1.50 - 1.75 m Cedrus lebani "Sargentii"

Cedar of Lebanon Sargentii" 1.50 - 1.75 m Cedrus lebani "Sargentii"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus libani 'Sargentii' (Sargentii Cedar of Lebanon) is a natural dwarf. conifers or pendulous if grafted on different stem heights. Newly formed branches are covered with long dark green needles. It adapts to any type of soil provided it is well drained. Maximum height: 0.80-1.80 m Maximum width: 1.80 m Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 &lt ; -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 768,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 768,00 lei
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Sold out

Cedar of Lebanon Sargentii" 2.00 - 2.50 m Lebanese cedar "Sargentii"

Cedar of Lebanon Sargentii" 2.00 - 2.50 m Lebanese cedar "Sargentii"

The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars. Cedrus libani 'Sargentii' (Sargentii Cedar of Lebanon) is a natural dwarf. conifers or pendulous if grafted on different stem heights. Newly formed branches are covered with long dark green needles. It adapts to any type of soil provided it is well drained. Maximum height: 0.80-1.80 m Maximum width: 1.80 m Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 &lt ; -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.962,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.962,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Fastigiata Arizona cypress 0.80 - 1.20 m Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata'

Fastigiata Arizona cypress 0.80 - 1.20 m Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata'

Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata' (Arizona Cypress Fastigiat) is native to Italy. Conifer with a narrow conical or columnar shape, with dense branches very close to each other that cover the stem to the top. Evergreen, scaly, imbricate, bright blue leaves. In the spring the sun bleaches the leaves and they have a silvery glow. Flowers and fruits: monoecious conifers that rarely flower and bear fruit. Highly adaptable to various climates, from cold and rainy, hot and dry to maritime. Tolerates most soil types, even calcareous ones. It withstands cutting even when done often, but not massive cuts. Maximum height: 12-15 m Maximum width: 4-5 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. < /p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 234,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 234,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Fastigiate Arizona cypress 1.75 - 2.00 m Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata'

Fastigiate Arizona cypress 1.75 - 2.00 m Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata'

Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata' (Arizona Cypress Fastigiat) is native to Italy. Conifer with a narrow conical or columnar shape, with dense branches very close to each other that cover the stem to the top. Evergreen, scaly, imbricate, bright blue leaves. In spring the sun bleaches the leaves and they have a silvery glow. Flowers and fruits: monoecious conifers that rarely flower and bear fruit. Highly adaptable to various climates, from cold and rainy, hot and dry to maritime. Tolerates most soil types, even calcareous ones. It withstands cutting even when done often, but not massive cuts. Maximum height: 12-15 m Maximum width: 4-5 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade.< /p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 250,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 250,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Golden fastigiate Arizona cypress 1.00 - 1.20 m Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata Aurea'

Golden fastigiate Arizona cypress 1.00 - 1.20 m Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata Aurea'

Cupressus arizonica "Fastigiata Aurea" (Arizona cypress golden fastigiate) is a conifer with a pyramidal habit, with a dense and regular shape in the first years. As the angle of the branches increases and moves away from the stem, the plant thus takes on the appearance of a cone with a very wide base. The leaves are evergreen, yellow, partially overlapping, bright pale yellow in spring and sulfur yellow thereafter. It has the same requirements and growing conditions as the species Cupressus arizonica "Fastigiata" - it adapts to all types of climate from cold-rainy to hot-dry, even maritime; tolerates all types of soil, even calcareous ones; tolerates frequent, but not very severe, cuts. Maximum height: 6 - 10 m Maximum width: 3 - 6 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 164,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 164,00 lei
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Italian cypress 1.70 - 2.00 m Cupressus sempervirens Pyramidalis"

Italian cypress 1.70 - 2.00 m Cupressus sempervirens Pyramidalis"

Cupressus sempervirens (Italian cypress) is a conifer known in Britain as 'Italian cypress', although the species is unlikely to be native to Italy, being native to the eastern Mediterranean. However, it is very certain that it has been widespread since ancient times and that it represented, over the centuries, one of the typical characteristics of Mediterranean Italy and France. Extremely long-lived, it has an erect, cone-shaped habit with leaves starting from the base (although it should be noted that if grown from seed, the genes are not always maintained and the plant loses its uniformity and sometimes some branches grow except for the shape its perfectly conical). The bark is gray-brown, the foliage is evergreen in the form of overlapping scales, dark green, with a special fragrance. On the same plant, there are female and male fruits that produce green, hard, round fruits that turn gray-brown when ripe. It adapts to any type of soil, even poor or dry, as well as clayey or sandy. Nowadays it is used almost entirely as a rootstock for the many varieties it has produced (and which are rightly favored for their undeniable superior properties), but also to form hedges and windbreaks. p> Maximum height: 18 - 22 m Maximum width: 2 - 4 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7° C (minimum temperature resistance).< /p> Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 409,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 409,00 lei
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Cypress leylandii 1.30 - 1.40 mx Cupressocyparis leylandii

Cypress leylandii 1.30 - 1.40 mx Cupressocyparis leylandii

x Cupressocyparis leylandii (Chiparos leylandii) is native to Great Britain. It is a hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Chamaecyparis nootkaensis . Conifer with a compact, conical habit, with dense, regular branches from the ground, even in adult plants. Leaves: evergreen, dense, light green, scaly, pointed. Flowers and fruits: monoecious conifers that rarely flower and produce few fruits. Suitable for all types of soil, even for the calcareous ones found in the south of Italy and France, but with the condition that the plant is propagated not by cutting, but by grafting on Cupressus sempervirens which will provide an improved anchor to the soil, an important factor in the areas with strong wind. Withstands all types of pruning, even mature plants, and grows quickly. The most suitable conifer for hedges (at least 2 m high) and barriers, as it is the fastest and easiest to grow. Maximum height: 15-20 m< /p > Maximum width: 6-7 m Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: very fast.< /p > Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C*< / p> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 109,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 109,00 lei
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Cypress leylandii 1.40 - 1.60 m Cupressocyparis leylandii

Cypress leylandii 1.40 - 1.60 m Cupressocyparis leylandii

x Cupressocyparis leylandii (Cyparos leylandii) is native to Great Britain. It is a hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Chamaecyparis nootkaensis. Conifer with a compact, conical habit, with dense, regular branches from the ground, even in adult plants. Leaves: evergreen, dense, light green, scaly, pointed. Flowers and fruits: monoecious conifers that rarely flower and produce few fruits. Suitable for all types of soil, even the calcareous ones found in the south of Italy and France, but provided that the plant is propagated not by cuttings, but by grafting on Cupressus sempervirens > which will also give you improved anchorage to the ground, an important factor in areas where there are strong winds. Withstands all types of pruning, even mature plants, and grows quickly. The most suitable conifer for hedges (at least 2 m high) and barriers, as it is the fastest and easiest to grow. Maximum height: 15-20 m Maximum width: 6-7 m Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: very fast. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 531,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 531,00 lei
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Cypress leylandii 2.20 - 2.40 mx Cupressocyparis leylandii

Cypress leylandii 2.20 - 2.40 mx Cupressocyparis leylandii

x Cupressocyparis leylandii (Chiparos leylandii) is native to Great Britain. It is a hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Chamaecyparis nootkaensis . Conifer with a compact, conical habit, with dense, regular branches from the ground, even in adult plants. Leaves: evergreen, dense, light green, scaly, pointed. Flowers and fruits: monoecious conifers that rarely flower and produce few fruits. Suitable for all types of soil, even for the calcareous ones found in the south of Italy and France, but with the condition that the plant is propagated not by cutting, but by grafting on Cupressus sempervirens which will provide an improved anchor to the soil, an important factor in the areas with strong wind. Withstands all types of pruning, even mature plants, and grows quickly. The most suitable conifer for hedges (at least 2 m high) and barriers, as it is the fastest and easiest to grow. Maximum height: 15-20 m< /p > Maximum width: 6-7 m Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: very fast.< /p > Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C*< / p> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 354,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 354,00 lei
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