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Artari japonezi

Arțarii japonezi, cu eleganța și frumusețea lor distinctivă, sunt printre cele mai fascinante specii de arbori ornamentali. Cu frunzișul lor dens și colorat, acești arbori atrag privirile și inima oricărui iubitor de grădini japoneze sau de peisaje zen.
În primăvară, arțarii japonezi își încep spectacolul cu o explozie de culoare, atunci când mugurii lor încep să se deschidă. Frunzele lor delicate și filigramele își etalează tonurile vibrante de roșu aprins, portocaliu strălucitor sau galben auriu. Această efuziune de culoare este un adevărat deliciu vizual după lungile ierni.
Pe măsură ce vara se instalează, frunzișul arțarilor japonezi devine mai dens și mai bogat, oferind o umbră plăcută și răcoroasă în grădini. Culorile lor rămân vii și luminoase, iar sub lumina soarelui, frunzele lor par să se topească într-un tablou de nuanțe și contrast.
Toamna este momentul când arțarii japonezi se remarcă cu adevărat. Fiecare specie și varietate își dezvăluie paleta distinctă de culori într-un spectacol de roșu aprins, portocaliu intens, galben strălucitor și chiar tonuri de mov sau purpuriu. Grădinarii și peisagiștii așteaptă cu nerăbdare acest moment, când natura își îmbracă hainele cele mai spectaculoase.
Nu numai frunzișul face ca arțarii japonezi să fie atât de remarcabili, ci și forma și textura lor distinctivă. Ramurile lor se încrucișează armonios, creând un contur plin de grație, iar scoarța lor subțire adaugă o textură interesantă pe tot parcursul anului.
În concluzie, arțarii japonezi nu sunt doar arbori ornamentali, ci adevărate opere de artă ale naturii. Cu grandoarea lor efemeră și schimbarea lor continuă de-a lungul anotimpurilor, acești arbori sunt simboluri ale frumuseții și rafinamentului în grădinile japoneze și nu numai.




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Japanese maple 'Sango Kaku'' 1.70 - 2.00 m Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku''

Japanese maple 'Sango Kaku'' 1.70 - 2.00 m Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku''

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a small deciduous shrub/tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Sangokaku' is native to Asia and very popular in Japan. Vigorous size 3 tree, large shrub-like form, distinguished by phosphorescent red color of branches and stem. The leaves have a shade of emerald green in spring-summer, yellow-orange to red in autumn. Resistant to frost, does not tolerate wind and strong cold currents. Prefers sunny or semi-shaded places. If the soil is sandy or very light, the location must be in partial shade. Maximum height: 5-8 m Maximum width: 3-5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.090,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.090,00 lei
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Japanese Maple Bloodgood" 1.00 - 1.30 m Acer palmatum "Bloodgood"

Japanese Maple Bloodgood" 1.00 - 1.30 m Acer palmatum "Bloodgood"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' (Japanese maple 'Bloodgood') is a large shrub. with a dense, rounded, erect crown. The leaves are red-black in spring, purple in summer, crimson in autumn. Maximum height: 5 - 6 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 504,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 504,00 lei
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Japanese maple "Crimson Queen" 0.80 - 1.20 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Crimson Queen"

Japanese maple "Crimson Queen" 0.80 - 1.20 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Crimson Queen"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Crimson Queen' belongs to the 'Dissectum' group of Japanese maples, which are trees or small shrubs recognized by the distinctive shape of the leaves with deep cuts and embroidered margins, with a pendulous habit. Despite the thin branches and the general delicate impression they show, these are very hardy plants that can create a garden character of their own. Their growth is very slow, but they can reach heights and widths of 3 meters. The location of the plant must be done in areas protected from wind and cold currents. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Crimson Queen' has a wider form, the leaves are bright red and retain their color even in summers with temperatures above 30°C. In autumn, the color of the leaves turns bright scarlet red. Maximum height: 3 m Maximum width: 3 m Zone 6 - 23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 719,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 719,00 lei
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Japanese flowing maple 'Seiryu' 1.30 - 1.50 m Acer palmatum dissectum 'Seiryu'

Japanese flowing maple 'Seiryu' 1.30 - 1.50 m Acer palmatum dissectum 'Seiryu'

The genus Acer Acer palmatum dissectum group Japanese maples in the 'Dissectum' group are small trees or shrubs that are recognized by their deeply cut leaves and their wide, pendulous habit. Despite the thin branches and general delicate impression they give, these are hardy plants that alone can give character to a garden. They are slow growing but can reach a height and width of 3m. All varieties are Hardy Zone 6. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Seiryu' (Japanese maple 'Seiryu') is the only Japanese maple in the 'Dissectum' group with an erect, non-pendulous habit. The leaves are bright green, deeply incised, thin and contrast with the red-brown of the bark of the young branches. The autumn colors are spectacular, dominated by a strong shade of purple in almost all the leaves. Maximum height: 5 - 6 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Slow.< /p> Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 - 40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p> This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 629,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 629,00 lei
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Japanese maple Fireglow 1.30 - 1.50 m Acer palm "Fireglow"

Japanese maple Fireglow 1.30 - 1.50 m Acer palm "Fireglow"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a small deciduous shrub/tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' is a shrub with an erect habit at first, then open and compact. Foliage color: bright red in spring, reddish-purple in summer and turns beautiful shades of bright pinkish-red in autumn. Maximum height: 4 - 5 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 504,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 504,00 lei
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Japanese maple Fireglow" 1.80 - 2.00 m Acer palm "Fireglow"

Japanese maple Fireglow" 1.80 - 2.00 m Acer palm "Fireglow"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a small deciduous shrub/tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' is a shrub with an erect habit at first, then open and compact. Foliage color: bright red in spring, reddish-purple in summer and turns beautiful shades of bright pinkish-red in autumn. Maximum height: 4 - 5 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 3.543,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 3.543,00 lei
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Japanese Maple Inaba Shidare" 1.70 - 2.00 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Inaba Shidare"

Japanese Maple Inaba Shidare" 1.70 - 2.00 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Inaba Shidare"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum dissectum group Japanese maples in the 'Dissectum' group are small trees or shrubs, which are recognized by their deeply cut leaves and widely pendulous habit. Despite the thin branches and general delicate impression they give, these are hardy plants that alone can give character to a garden. They are slow growing but can reach a height and width of 3m. All varieties are Hardy Zone 6. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Inaba Shidare' (Japanese Flowing Maple 'Inaba Shidare' is a cultivar considered to have the largest purple-red purple leaves Autumn colour: bright red Maximum height: 1.5 - 2.5 m Maximum width: 1, 5 - 2.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade. p> Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / - 34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3 °C / -17.8 °C Zone 7 - 17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 2.180,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 2.180,00 lei
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Japanese maple Inaba Shidare" 2.00 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Inaba Shidare"

Japanese maple Inaba Shidare" 2.00 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Inaba Shidare"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum dissectum group Japanese maples in the 'Dissectum' group are small trees or shrubs, which are recognized by their deeply cut leaves and widely pendulous habit. Despite the thin branches and general delicate impression they give, these are hardy plants that alone can give character to a garden. They are slow growing but can reach a height and width of 3m. All varieties are Hardy Zone 6. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Inaba Shidare' (Japanese Flowing Maple 'Inaba Shidare' is a cultivar considered to have the largest purple-red purple leaves Autumn colour: bright red Maximum height: 1.5 - 2.5 m Maximum width: 1, 5 - 2.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade. p> Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / - 34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3 °C / -17.8 °C Zone 7 - 17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 5.036,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 5.036,00 lei
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Japanese maple Katsura" 1.20 - 1.40 m Acer palmatum "Katsura"

Japanese maple Katsura" 1.20 - 1.40 m Acer palmatum "Katsura"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum dissectum group Japanese maples in the "Dissectum" group are small trees or shrubs that are recognized by their deeply cut leaves and their wide, pendulous habit. Despite the thin branches and general delicate impression they give, these are hardy plants that alone can give character to a garden. They are slow growing but can reach a height and width of 3m. All varieties are Hardy Zone 6. Acer palmatum 'Katsura' (Japanese maple 'Katsura') is a narrow-growing, dense, erect shrub. leaves are 3-5 cm, 5-lobed, yellow, deeply colored with bright orange, turning bright green in summer and turning yellow-orange in autumn. Maximum height: 2 m Maximum width: 2 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). p> Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 504,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 504,00 lei
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Japanese maple Orange Dream" 1.00 - 1.30 m Acer palmatum "Orange Dream"

Japanese maple Orange Dream" 1.00 - 1.30 m Acer palmatum "Orange Dream"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Japanese maple that develops as a wide, erect, multi-branched bush. Foliage is yellow-orange in spring, green in summer and reddish-orange in fall. Maximum height: 4 - 5 m Maximum width: 2 - 3 m< /p>< p>Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade.< /p> p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 432,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 432,00 lei
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Japanese maple Sharp's Pygmy" 0.60 - 0.80 m Acer palmatum "Sharp's Pygmy"

Japanese maple Sharp's Pygmy" 0.60 - 0.80 m Acer palmatum "Sharp's Pygmy"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. and fascinating for the famous Japanese maple, known for its distinctive foliage and small size. This variety takes its name from the small size and unusual shape of the leaf. Acer palmatum 'Sharp's Pygmy' is a small, slow growing shrub reaching a height of only 1-2 meters. This feature makes it ideal for small spaces, Japanese gardens or for use in containers. Its leaves are of an intense green, with a fine texture and the shape of the palm. They are lobed and have jagged edges, adding a touch of elegance and refinement to the shrub. During the fall season, Japanese 'Sharp's Pygmy' maple leaves explode in a palette of vibrant colors, including shades of bright red, orange, yellow and purple. This transformation brings stunning beauty to the garden and draws admiring glances from onlookers. 'Sharp's Pygmy' is hardy to moderate frosts and adapts well to a variety of soil and light conditions. However, it does best in well-drained soil with consistent moisture and partial sun exposure. Due to its compact size and spectacular foliage, Acer palmatum 'Sharp's Pygmy' is ideal for use in small groups or as a focal point in Japanese gardens, rock gardens or oriental landscapes. It can also be used successfully in large containers, on terraces or in yards. Acer palmatum 'Sharp's Pygmy' is a wonderful choice for any gardener passionate about Japanese beauty and elegance. plants. With its distinctive foliage and small size, this Japanese maple adds a touch of sophistication and mystery to any garden or green space. Maximum height: 0.6 - 1.2 m Maximum width: 1 – 1.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, semi-shade. Resistance zones for plants in Europe: Average minimum annual temperature in °C* < br> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive in places where these minimum temperatures can occur).< / p> This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 432,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 432,00 lei
Unit price  per 
Japanese maple Skeeters Broom" 1.40 - 1.70 m Acer palmatum "Skeeters Broom"

Japanese maple Skeeters Broom" 1.40 - 1.70 m Acer palmatum "Skeeters Broom"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. the best and most interesting species of Japanese maple, known for its fairly fast growth and resistance to extreme temperatures. It has the form of an erect, well-branched, dense and well-defined bush. The leaves are 5-7 lobed, with deep incisions close to the petiole, with a strong red color from spring to autumn, even in very hot summers. Maximum height: 2.5 – 3.5 m Maximum width: 1 – 1.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. < p>Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* p> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 477,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 477,00 lei
Unit price  per 
Japanese maple Summergold" 1.25-1.50 m Acer palm"Summergold"

Japanese maple Summergold" 1.25-1.50 m Acer palm"Summergold"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Summergold' (Japanese maple 'Summergold') is a well-branched shrub with an erect, open form. The yellow color of the foliage gradually intensifies in summer, even if it is placed in full sun. In autumn, the leaves take on a reddish-brown hue. It prefers better-drained soils and places more sheltered from cold currents. Maximum height: 2.5-4 m Maximum width: 2 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade. p> p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 504,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 504,00 lei
Unit price  per 
Japanese maple Tamukeyama" 1.20 - 1.40 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Tamukeyama"

Japanese maple Tamukeyama" 1.20 - 1.40 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Tamukeyama"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum dissectum group Japanese maples in the 'Dissectum' group are small trees or shrubs, which are recognized by their deeply cut leaves and widely pendulous habit. Despite the thin branches and general delicate impression they give, these are hardy plants that alone can give character to a garden. They are slow growing but can reach a height and width of 3m. All varieties are Hardy Zone 6. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' (Japanese Flowing Maple ' T amukeyama ') is a variety considered to have the largest purple-red purple leaves. Fall color: bright red. Maximum height: 1.5 - 2.5 m Maximum width: 1.5 - 2.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.550,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.550,00 lei
Unit price  per 
Japanese maple Tamukeyama" 1.20 - 1.40 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Tamukeyama"

Japanese maple Tamukeyama" 1.20 - 1.40 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Tamukeyama"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum dissectum group Japanese maples in the 'Dissectum' group are small trees or shrubs, which are recognized by their deeply cut leaves and widely pendulous habit. Despite the thin branches and general delicate impression they give, these are hardy plants that alone can give character to a garden. They are slow growing but can reach a height and width of 3m. All varieties are Hardy Zone 6. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' (Japanese Flowing Maple ' T amukeyama ') is a variety considered to have the largest purple-red purple leaves. Fall color: bright red. Maximum height: 1.5 - 2.5 m Maximum width: 1.5 - 2.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.259,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.259,00 lei
Unit price  per 
Japanese maple Viridis" 1.50 - 1.70 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Viridis"

Japanese maple Viridis" 1.50 - 1.70 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Viridis"

Japanese maples in the 'Dissectum' group are small trees or shrubs that can be recognized by their deeply cut, long leaves, as well as their pendulous habitus. Despite the thin branches and the general delicate impression they express, they are very resistant species that can create a special character for the garden in which they are located. Growth is very slow, but they can reach 3 m in height and width. It does not tolerate exposure to cold air currents. It prefers well-drained soils. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viride' has light green foliage in spring and summer, and in autumn the leaves begin to turn yellow, orange and the final shade of color is red. - rust. Maximum height: 2.5-3 m Maximum width: 2.5-3 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: very slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.550,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.550,00 lei
Unit price  per 
Japanese maple Viridis" 1.70 - 2.00 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Viridis"

Japanese maple Viridis" 1.70 - 2.00 m Acer palmatum dissectum "Viridis"

Japanese maples in the 'Dissectum' group are small trees or shrubs that can be recognized by their deeply cut, long leaves, as well as their pendulous habitus. Despite the thin branches and the general delicate impression they express, they are very resistant species that can create a special character for the garden in which they are located. Growth is very slow, but they can reach 3 m in height and width. It does not tolerate exposure to cold air currents. It prefers well-drained soils. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viride' has light green foliage in spring and summer, and in autumn the leaves begin to turn yellow, orange and the final shade of color is red. - rust. Maximum height: 2.5-3 m Maximum width: 2.5-3 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: very slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 2.180,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 2.180,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Japanese maple 'Sango Kaku'' 1.50 - 1.70 m Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku''

Japanese maple 'Sango Kaku'' 1.50 - 1.70 m Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku''

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a small deciduous shrub/tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Sangokaku' is native to Asia and very popular in Japan. Vigorous size 3 tree, large shrub-like form, distinguished by phosphorescent red color of branches and stem. The leaves have a shade of emerald green in spring-summer, yellow-orange to red in autumn. Resistant to frost, does not tolerate wind and strong cold currents. Prefers sunny or semi-shaded places. If the soil is sandy or very light, the location must be in partial shade. Maximum height: 5-8 m Maximum width: 3-5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Slow. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 545,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 545,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Japanese Maple Bloodgood" 1.50 - 1.70 m Acer palmatum "Bloodgood"

Japanese Maple Bloodgood" 1.50 - 1.70 m Acer palmatum "Bloodgood"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' is a large shrub with a dense, rounded, erect crown. The leaves are red-black in spring, purple in summer, crimson in autumn. Maximum height: 5 - 6 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.025,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.025,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Japanese maple Bloodgood" 1.70 - 1.80 m Acer palmatum "Bloodgood"

Japanese maple Bloodgood" 1.70 - 1.80 m Acer palmatum "Bloodgood"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' is a large shrub with a dense, rounded, erect crown. The leaves are red-black in spring, purple in summer, crimson in autumn. Maximum height: 5 - 6 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.635,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.635,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Japanese maple Fireglow" 1.80 - 2.00 m Acer palm "Fireglow"

Japanese maple Fireglow" 1.80 - 2.00 m Acer palm "Fireglow"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a small deciduous shrub/tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' is a shrub with an erect habit at first, then open and compact. Foliage color: bright red in spring, reddish-purple in summer and turns beautiful shades of bright pinkish-red in autumn. Maximum height: 4 - 5 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 2.270,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 2.270,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Japanese maple Jordan" 1.50 - 1.70 m Acer shirasawanum "Jordan"

Japanese maple Jordan" 1.50 - 1.70 m Acer shirasawanum "Jordan"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but they do not tolerate late frost and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. habitus in the form of a bush with a round crown and young branches covered with blue inflorescences. The leaves are 6-8 cm, with 9-13 lobes and red petioles. In spring, the color is ocher yellow, then green-yellow until autumn, when they start to take on shades of orange and purple. Maximum height: 2.5 - 4.5 m p> p> Maximum width: 2.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. p>Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 545,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 545,00 lei
Unit price  per 

Sold out

Japanese maple Mikawa Yatsubusa" 0.60 - 0.80 m Acer palmatum "Mikawa Yatsubusa"

Japanese maple Mikawa Yatsubusa" 0.60 - 0.80 m Acer palmatum "Mikawa Yatsubusa"

The genus Acer Acer palmatum group Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) is a tall deciduous shrub/small tree, native to Asia and very popular in Japan where, along with cherry blossoms and Japanese pines, it is the main attraction in all parks and gardens. Japanese maples have a very harmonious form, elegant leaves that create attractive, colorful symphonies that change with the seasons. In spring, small reddish-purple flowers with yellow stamens appear in hanging clusters, which then turn into red and brown winged fruits when ripe. Fast growth in young plants, then slower. The plants are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate late frosts and cold air currents, especially when they are young. They need cool, light, moist but well-drained, slightly acidic and clay soil. It grows well in other types of soil as long as it is not very compact, stagnant or calcareous, requiring the administration of an acid supplement. The exposure of the plant must be in partial shade or in a sunny position, but it requires better irrigation. Partial shade is absolutely necessary if the soil is sandy or very light, in hot or dry areas. Japanese maple that stands out for its large, green leaves that grow one above the other and thus create several asymmetrical floors. The color of the leaves changes in autumn and goes through several shades of red. Maximum height: 1.5 - 2 m Maximum width: 1 - 1.5 m< /p> Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun, partial shade .< /p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 432,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 432,00 lei
Unit price  per