Flowing silver cedar 1.75 - 2.00 m Cedrus atlantica Glauca Pendula"
The Cedrus genus are conifers with an imposing, majestic, solemn appearance. They are often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of power and productivity. It is true that they need space, although there are dwarf cedars that can live in a small garden, even on a terrace. However, they are incomparable as the supporting pillars of large gardens and parks, where they act as a "point of reference", without forgetting that, in all green spaces, harmony is also born from contrasts. No other genus in the plant world offers such a wide variety of structures, colors and light as cedars.
Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' (Pendulous Blue Cedar) is a native conifer. in France with a very picturesque aspect with bent weeping branches. Two forms are available: • grafted at the base with weeping branches along the entire length of the vertical trunk which, when it reaches a certain height, bends towards the ground; • top grafted on a Cedrus atlantica trunk at a height varying from 1m to 2-2.50m. In this case, it will form a crown with the main branches spreading and overlapping, while the secondary branches descend towards the ground. Sometimes a single main branch is left to grow and if properly trained can spread to 10m or more. In any case, the final form is attractive and never seems artificial, but appears to be a spontaneous quirk of nature. The needles are very dense, bright gray-blue, evergreen, 2-2.5 cm long. The cones are numerous, decorative, long, erect, at first yellow and then brown. It adapts to any type of soil with , except very wet ones. Tolerates summer heat, dry weather and air pollution. It is best used in large spaces, individually or in groups.
Maximum height: 4-8 m
Maximum width: 10-15 m< / p> Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance).
Growth: slow.
Location: sun.
Plant hardiness zones in Europe:
Average annual minimum temperatures in °C*
Zone 1 < -45.5°C
Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C
Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C
Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C
Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C
Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C
Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C
Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C
Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p>
Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C
Zone 11 > +4.4°C
* Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur).
This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber.
Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.