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Topiary / Shapes

Topiary este arta de a tăia și modela plantele pentru a crea forme decorative și sculpturi în grădini și peisaje. Această practică are o istorie îndelungată, fiind asociată inițial cu grădinile și parcurile peisagistice ale aristocrației europene din secolele XVII și XVIII.
Procesul de topiary implică tăierea și modelarea plantelor vii, cum ar fi tufișuri, arbuști sau copaci mici, în forme precise și simetrice. Cele mai frecvente forme includ sfere, conuri, coloane, animale, litere și cifre, dar posibilitățile sunt practic nelimitate și pot fi realizate forme complexe și detaliate, în funcție de abilitățile și imaginația grădinarului.
Pentru a crea și menține formele dorite, grădinarii utilizează unelte specializate, cum ar fi foarfecele de tăiat gardul viu, topitoarele și șabloanele pentru a ghida tăierea. Este necesară o mână sigură și o atenție la detalii pentru a obține rezultate precise și estetice.
Topiary poate aduce un element distinctiv și sofisticat în grădină sau peisaj, oferind un accent deosebit și atrăgător. Sculpturile topiary pot fi integrate în diferite stiluri de grădină, de la cele formale și tradiționale la cele moderne și contemporane, adăugând un caracter unic și personalității spațiului verde.
Este important să se țină cont de cerințele specifice ale plantelor utilizate în topiary, precum și de întreținerea lor adecvată, inclusiv udarea, hrănirea și tunderea regulată, pentru a menține forma și sănătatea plantelor în timp. De asemenea, este util să se planifice și să se pregătească solul în mod corespunzător pentru a asigura creșterea și dezvoltarea sănătoasă a plantelor topiary.





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Idera Elegantissima" landing 1.40 -1.70 m Hedera helix "Elegantissima"

Idera Elegantissima" landing 1.40 -1.70 m Hedera helix "Elegantissima"

Genus Hedera (Ivy) Ivy is a climbing, creeping or pendulous evergreen plant with adventitious roots that are used to cling to the ground or any type of support. Once the plant reaches the top of the support, it continues to grow, but changes its appearance and bearing, becoming an aerial bush with leaves that are no longer lobed, but entire, usually ovate, and in autumn they begin to "bloom" producing large globular inflorescences yellow. The flowers are followed by black fruits that attract birds. Ivy also grows in poor soils, in any position and tolerates competition from the roots of trees or bushes growing above them. The best results are obtained in deep, calcareous or slightly acidic substrates. The rule for all these plants is that if planted in full sun, the roots must be in deep, cool soil. If grown in pots, no variety tolerates a very sunny position; all require excellent drainage, moderate watering in winter, and a light, airy position; they do not like to be kept in heated places. When the plant gets too big, it can be cut at any time of the year. Hedera helix "Elegantissima" (Ivy "Elegantissima") has a very regular shape, with 3-lobed or 5-lobed lobed leaves, 3-5 cm long and wide when young, then 7-8 cm. The leaves are green, evergreen, with silver-white edges. It grows slowly in the first years and is not very dense. Maximum height: 3 - 6 m < p> Maximum width: 4 - 10 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). < p> Growth: Rapid. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. span> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* span> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive in places where these minimum temperatures can). This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 674,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 674,00 lei
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Juniper Blue Pacific" 1.00 - 1.20 m Juniperus conferta "Blue Pacific"

Juniper Blue Pacific" 1.00 - 1.20 m Juniperus conferta "Blue Pacific"

The genus Juniperus is known to be among the most ornamental and useful garden conifers. There is a wide variety of sizes, shapes, habitus and color of the foliage, as well as excellent adaptability to the most diverse climate and soil conditions: they grow and thrive everywhere, even on calcareous soil. Depending on the utility, the genus Juniperus is divided into two categories. The first group includes varieties with a pendulous or semi-pendulous habitus, most used in landscape art and as a ground cover for terraces and balconies. The second group contains the varieties with erect habitus. Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' ( Juniper 'Blue Pacific') is a compact, ground-covering conifer. The foliage is blue-green. By grafting, plants with different shapes and heights can be obtained. Maximum height: 0.20 - 0.30 m Maximum width: 1-1.5 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: slow. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 409,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 409,00 lei
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Juniper of Virginia Gray Owl" 1.20 - 1.40 m Juniperus virginiana "Grey Owl"

Juniper of Virginia Gray Owl" 1.20 - 1.40 m Juniperus virginiana "Grey Owl"

The genus Juniperus is known to be among the most ornamental and useful garden conifers. There is a wide variety of sizes, shapes, habitus and color of the foliage, as well as excellent adaptability to the most diverse climate and soil conditions: they grow and thrive everywhere, even on calcareous soil. Depending on the utility, the genus Juniperus is divided into two categories. The first group includes varieties with a pendulous or semi-pendulous habitus, most used in landscape art and as a ground cover for terraces and balconies. The second group contains the varieties with erect habitus. Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' ( Juniper de Virginia 'Grey Owl') is a very vigorous semi-ground conifer. The foliage is silver-green, bluish. By grafting, plants with different shapes and heights can be obtained. Maximum height: 1 m Maximum width: 3 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (minimum temperature resistance). p> p> Growth: moderate. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 338,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 338,00 lei
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Juniper Old Gold" 1.20 - 1.40 m Juniperus x media "Old Gold"

Juniper Old Gold" 1.20 - 1.40 m Juniperus x media "Old Gold"

The genus Juniperus is known to be among the most ornamental and useful garden conifers. There is a wide variety of sizes, shapes, habitus and color of the foliage, as well as excellent adaptability to the most diverse climate and soil conditions: they grow and thrive everywhere, even on calcareous soil. Depending on the utility, the genus Juniperus is divided into two categories. The first group includes varieties with a pendulous or semi-pendulous habitus, most used in landscape art and as ground cover for terraces and balconies. The second group contains the varieties with erect habitus. Juniperus x media 'Old Gold' ( Juniper 'Old Gold') is a conifer with a semi-pendulous, compact habit. The foliage is a bright golden-green color that does not change color in winter. By grafting, plants with different shapes and heights can be obtained. Maximum height: 1 - 1.2 m Maximum width: 2.5 - 3 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: < p>Annual mean minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 338,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 338,00 lei
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Juniper Tamariscifolia" 1.20 - 1.40 m Juniperus sabina "Tamariscifolia"

Juniper Tamariscifolia" 1.20 - 1.40 m Juniperus sabina "Tamariscifolia"

The genus Juniperus is known to be among the most ornamental and useful garden conifers. There is a wide variety of sizes, shapes, habitus and color of the foliage, as well as an excellent adaptability to the most diverse climate and soil conditions: they grow and thrive everywhere, even on calcareous soil. Depending on the utility, the genus Juniperus is divided into two categories. The first group includes varieties with a pendulous or semi-pendulous habitus, most used in landscape art and as a ground cover for terraces and balconies. The second group contains the varieties with erect habitus. Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia' ( Juniper 'Tamariscifolia') is a compact, ground-covering conifer. The foliage is green with blue tips. By grafting, plants with different shapes and heights can be obtained. Maximum height: 0.6 - 0.8 m Maximum width: 2 - 2.5 m Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C (resistance to minimum temperatures). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 343,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 343,00 lei
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English laurel Etna" 1.20 - 1.50 m Prunus laurocerasus "Etna"

English laurel Etna" 1.20 - 1.50 m Prunus laurocerasus "Etna"

Prunus laurocerasus 'Etna' (English bay 'Etna') is an evergreen shrub with an erect, well-branched habit, wide and almost round when mature. The leaves are glossy, dark green, up to 13 cm long and 6.5 cm wide, wavy and slightly serrated on the edges. The young leaves are a lighter green with slight copper tints when the shoots open. The white flowers appear in racemes and are 20 cm long. The fruits are black when ripe and appear after the flowers. The species is considered to be more hardy than Prunus laurocerasus 'Caucasica'. Very suitable for creating hedges, it can be planted as a single specimen or in groups. Maximum height: 2 - 3 m Maximum width: 2 – 2.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* <p> Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 483,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 483,00 lei
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Laurel "Alaska" 0.40 -0.60 m Ilex aquifolium Alaska"

Laurel "Alaska" 0.40 -0.60 m Ilex aquifolium Alaska"

Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska' (Ilex aquifolium 'Alaska') is native to the Netherlands. Evergreen shrub with more regular growth than the Ilex aquifolium type species, compact and almost pyramidal. It lends itself very well to grafting and creation in the form of trees. The leaves are glossy, lanceolate, 3-7 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, with wavy edges with thorns, dark green on the upper side and paler green on the lower side. The flowers are numerous, small, creamy white and appear at the base of each leaf in April. Female plants produce a very large number of fruits each year, in June they begin to turn bright red and remain on the plant until March of the following year. It is resistant, withstands the cold and tolerates mowing. Maximum height: 4 - 8 m Maximum width: 3 - 5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 &lt ; -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 186,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 186,00 lei
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Dogwood Excelsum Superbum" tree 2.50 - 3.00 m Ligustrum japonicum "Excelsum Superbum"

Dogwood Excelsum Superbum" tree 2.50 - 3.00 m Ligustrum japonicum "Excelsum Superbum"

Ligustrum japonicum 'Excelsum Superbum' (Dogwood 'Excelsum Superbum') is native to Japan, Korea, China. Variety of the species Ligustrum japonicum – large shrub or smaller tree, evergreen with erect habitus and wide and round crown, very dense; the leaves are large, up to 10 cm long and 6 cm wide, elliptic, oval, arched in shape, with a fine glossy texture and a dark green color; the flowers are small, creamy white, fragrant, and grouped in long erect pyramidal panicles, appear from late May to August, and are so numerous that they cover the leaves; the fruits are small, round, black and soft when ripe, they remain on the plant for several months; adapts to all types of soil, tolerates salinity, wind and pollution; withstands heavy, repeated cutting and forms very beautiful evergreen hedges. The difference from the type species consists in the color of the leaves, which are lighter in color, at first green with pink edges, later the edges become a special creamy yellow and retain their color until the following spring. Maximum height: 3 - 8 m Maximum width: 4 - 6 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum resistance temperature).< /p> Growth: fast. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones. Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6 °C / -1.2 °C Zone 10 -1.1 °C / +4.4 °C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 899,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 899,00 lei
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Globular silver spruce 0.80 - 1.20 m Picea pungens Glauca Globosa""

Globular silver spruce 0.80 - 1.20 m Picea pungens Glauca Globosa""

Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa' (Globular Silver Spruce) is one of the most sought after and popular dwarf conifers. Rather with a sparser and slightly uneven crown in the early years, then it becomes dense and spherical and slightly conical in maturity. With age it stretches and flattens, but remains compact. The needles are a gorgeous silvery blue all year round. Hardy and adapts to all types of soil, although it prefers fresh and loose soil. Tolerates heat, drought and even urban air better than others The spade . The plant is ideal for small gardens and rockeries, planted as a stand-alone specimen or with other dwarf conifers of different colors. When grafted, it creates a wonderful effect near houses, in the middle of small plant arrangements or as a tall feature among lower flowering plants. Maximum height: 1.5 - 2.5 m< /p> Maximum width: 2 - 3 m Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: Slow. p> Location: sunny. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C*< /p>< p>Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 613,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 613,00 lei
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Japanese red pine Low Glow" 0.80 - 1.00 m Pinus densiflora "Low Glow"

Japanese red pine Low Glow" 0.80 - 1.00 m Pinus densiflora "Low Glow"

Pinus densiflora 'Low Glow' (Japanese Red Pine 'Low Glow') is a variety of pine native to Japan, where it grows naturally or is often formed as bonsai. It is dwarf with an extremely dense, dome-shaped habitus that grows very slowly and predominantly in width. It is often used as a very small tree, grafted onto stems at various heights. The soft, pale green needles that appear in pairs tend to turn yellow as the weather cools. New shoots are erect, white-pink, with slightly resinous buds. It lends itself very well to growing in pots, it is unpretentious to the soil, as long as it is well drained and not excessively alkaline. Maximum height: 1.5 - 2 m Maximum width: 1 – 1.5 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: slow. Location: sun. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 374,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 374,00 lei
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Pyracantha Ventoux Red" wall 0.80 -1.20 m Pyracantha coccinea "Ventoux Red"

Pyracantha Ventoux Red" wall 0.80 -1.20 m Pyracantha coccinea "Ventoux Red"

Pyracantha (Piracanta) is an evergreen shrub with an erect habit, spiny branches, ideal for use in groups or to form a hedge, being an attractive plant in all seasons. If left to grow naturally and without pruning it does very well, it will develop into a huge, very picturesque shrub with an undefined shape. When planted next to a wall (which it will completely cover), it will grow very tall. The leaves are small, narrow, unlobed, bright green. Spring produces countless small, white, fragrant flowers that cover the entire plant. The flowers then turn into green, small, round fruits and begin to color in late summer, remaining on the plant through winter until the following spring. It prefers soils not very rich in nutrients and adapts well to calcareous ones. Pyracantha "Ventoux Red" red fruits. Maximum height: 3 - 4 m Maximum width: 2 - 3 m Zone 6 -23.3° C / -17.8°C (minimum resistance temperature). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 480,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 480,00 lei
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Japanese sage Bravo" hedge 0.80 - 1.20 m Euonymus jap."Bravo"

Japanese sage Bravo" hedge 0.80 - 1.20 m Euonymus jap."Bravo"

Euonymus japonicus 'Bravo' (Bravo Japanese Sage) is an evergreen shrub with a dense and erect habit, native to Japan, China, Korea. The bark of young branches is creamy white, then dark green. The leaves are narrow oval, glossy and toothed, up to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, dark green in the center with shiny silver-white edges. The inflorescences are not very spectacular and are represented by small flowers with 4 yellow-green petals, which appear in June-July. The fruits are rare, small, white-pink and appear in October-November. It is a very resistant plant to the maritime climate, it grows well in all types of soil, even sandy as long as it is well drained. It tolerates any type of pruning very well and is often used to create hedges. It is often grown in planters. Maximum height: 3 - 4 m Maximum width: 3 - 4 m Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: fast. Location: sun, partial shade. < /p> p> Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p>This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. < p>Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 680,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 680,00 lei
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Ball yew 0.80 m - 1.20 m Taxus baccata

Ball yew 0.80 m - 1.20 m Taxus baccata

Taxus baccata (Yew) is a conifer native to Europe and North Africa to Iran. The main branches are horizontal and the secondary ones are short and pendulous. If allowed to grow freely and given enough space, it will become a wide conical tree with horizontal, spreading branches. The male cones are yellow in spring, followed by beautiful red fruits. Grows well in fertile, well-drained soil, including calcareous and acidic soil. It also withstands planting in the shade of old trees. Very used for hedges because it tolerates severe, repeated cutting and for this reason this plant is also used to create geometric shapes and large bonsai. Maximum height: 20 m Maximum width: 10 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). p> p> Growth: moderate. Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant resistance zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperatures in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 -40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 - 34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C p> Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). This principle was created. in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.068,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.068,00 lei
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Spiral yew 1.40 - 1.60 m Taxus baccata

Spiral yew 1.40 - 1.60 m Taxus baccata

Taxus baccata (Yew) is a conifer native to Europe and North Africa to Iran. The main branches are horizontal and the secondary ones are short and pendulous. If allowed to grow freely and given enough space, it will become a wide conical tree with horizontal, spreading branches. The male cones are yellow in spring, followed by beautiful red fruits. Grows well in fertile, well-drained soil, including calcareous and acidic soil. It also withstands planting in the shade of old trees. Very used for hedges because it tolerates severe, repeated cutting and for this reason this plant is also used to create geometric shapes and large bonsai. Maximum height: 20 m Maximum width: 10 m Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C (minimum temperature resistance). Growth: moderate. < p data-mce-fragment="1">Location: sun, partial shade, shade. Plant hardiness zones in Europe: Average annual minimum temperature in °C* Zone 1 < -45.5°C Zone 2 -45.5°C / -40.1°C Zone 3 - 40.0°C / -34.5°C Zone 4 -34.4°C / -28.9°C Zone 5 -28.8°C / -23.4°C Zone 6 -23.3°C / -17.8°C Zone 7 -17.7°C / -12.3°C Zone 8 -12.2°C / -6.7°C Zone 9 -6.6°C / -1.2°C Zone 10 -1.1°C / +4.4°C Zone 11 > +4.4°C * Minimum temperatures are an important factor that determines plant hardiness (the ability of plants to survive where these minimum temperatures can occur). p> This principle was created in the early 1960s by the "United States Department of Agriculture" and then adapted for Europe by W. Heinz and D. Schreiber. Based on this principle, Europe was divided into 11 zones.

Regular price 1.793,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.793,00 lei
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Tuia Smaragd Spirala 2.00 m Thuja occ. Smaragd

Tuia Smaragd Spirala 2.00 m Thuja occ. Smaragd

Smaragd thuja has a conical shape, with short and thick branches, with numerous shoots, with flattened branching. The leaves are green during the growing season and turn bronze in winter. The cones are small (8 mm) light brown. It can reach a height of 5-6 m and a diameter of 1.0 - 1.8 m, a slow growth rate and grows well in full sun and partial shade. Resistant to frost, prefers well-drained, calcareous soils. Recommended to be planted in full light or partial shade, on rich, clayey, acid to alkaline, frost-resistant soils. Thuja Smaragd is a highly appreciated ornamental plant, which gives your space, regardless of its nature, a refined, rich, elitist aspect, being a point of attraction for guests, visitors or passers-by. Widely used in green spaces, road and alley contouring, street alignment and driveway contouring, and even in ships. It also provides a special distinction, its presence being what distinguishes an ordinary space from an ornate and attractive space. That is why we recommend you to arrange spaces with Tuia Smaragd to give life to a special aesthetic taste, with artistic values, but also to give your place a unique dose of richness and sophistication. Give yourself the chance to have around an extremely sought-after and appreciated ornamental plant, becoming a reference symbol for connoisseurs, but also an object of admiration for lovers of beauty. The distinction and elegance that Tuia Smaragd offers has long made it a much sought after and admired decoration, and that is why it is the ideal choice for you. As a hedge it is very attractive, and the plant can also be kept in ceramic pots or in a group with other conifers. It is the most sought after of the Thuja species.

Regular price 1.226,00 lei
Regular price Sale price 1.226,00 lei
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