Tuia Smaragd Spirala 2.00 m Thuja occ. Smaragd
Smaragd thuja has a conical shape, with short and thick branches, with numerous shoots, with flattened branching. The leaves are green during the growing season and turn bronze in winter. The cones are small (8 mm) light brown. It can reach a height of 5-6 m and a diameter of 1.0 - 1.8 m, a slow growth rate and grows well in full sun and partial shade. Resistant to frost, prefers well-drained, calcareous soils. Recommended to be planted in full light or partial shade, on rich, clayey, acid to alkaline, frost-resistant soils. Thuja Smaragd is a highly appreciated ornamental plant, which gives your space, regardless of its nature, a refined, rich, elitist aspect, being a point of attraction for guests, visitors or passers-by. Widely used in green spaces, road and alley contouring, street alignment and driveway contouring, and even in ships. It also provides a special distinction, its presence being what distinguishes an ordinary space from an ornate and attractive space. That is why we recommend you to arrange spaces with Tuia Smaragd to give life to a special aesthetic taste, with artistic values, but also to give your place a unique dose of richness and sophistication. Give yourself the chance to have around an extremely sought-after and appreciated ornamental plant, becoming a reference symbol for connoisseurs, but also an object of admiration for lovers of beauty. The distinction and elegance that Tuia Smaragd offers has long made it a much sought after and admired decoration, and that is why it is the ideal choice for you. As a hedge it is very attractive, and the plant can also be kept in ceramic pots or in a group with other conifers. It is the most sought after of the Thuja species.